If for any reason you are not happy with your order (physical goods), you can return it to us within 14 days.
If the order was damaged in transit we will also refund return postage if you email us the receipt.
However, if you've just changed your mind or don't want it anymore you will need to cover return postage.
Digital products are not refundable.
Paid subscriptions are not refundable but can be cancelled at any time.
Full memberships for The Money Spot Program are refundable within 7 days. A 10% processing fee will be incurred.
If for any reason you cannot attend a workshop you can transfer attendance to the following year or substitute for the one-on-one coaching instead.
If you have any questions about your order, please contact us ([email protected]) within 24 hours of receipt so that we can provide you with the best customer service solution possible.