Leveraging Your Knowledge - It Is In Giving That We Receive - The Entrepreneur Dad Podcast, TEDP4/6/2014 ![]()
A few weeks ago I had the privilege of being interviewed by one of the biggest UK podcasters. He interviews solopreneurs and small business so that others can get inspired to leave the rat race and run their own businesses too.
What was interesting about the whole experience was that I didn't find him, he found me by discovering my Black Girl Getting To Wealthy series of books. I actually wrote those books for fun because I was just bursting to share the knowledge that I had about starting a business and doing well with your personal finances. Personally, I had no idea who would actually read the books because my fanbase hair focused and I didn't know if they were also into business and personal finance like that. What I ultimately discovered is that sharing knowledge inspires people in ways that you do not even expect. One lady who read the entire series of three books was so inspired that she didn't even hesitate to pay the $1,707 to join my program, The Money Spot - How To Start & Grow A 6-Figure Beauty Business. I didn't have to sell or explain the program to her in any depth; she said she just felt like I had been a huge blessing in her life and based just on my 3 books she had made $58,000 in 120 days so the cost wasn't even a consideration for her. She even said I was too cheap and sharing too much!! Anyhow, my point in writing this post is that sometimes we fell that by sharing what we know we create competition for ourselves. This could not be further from the truth; by sharing your knowledge you build trust and create a loyal following. In fact, those that copy you the most are the ones that love you the most and will be most willing to keep coming back to learn from you. Share what you know! But before that...Listen to my interview with The Entrepreneur Dad Podcast, TEDP:
December 2015
By Heather Katsonga-WoodwardI'm always thinking, debating, considering and revising my views - some of those deliberations will be shared right here. |