This blog was written a week ago and wasn’t meant to be posted until the weekend but something happened today that required that I post it right away. I explain the event at the end. When I first came to England I had never spent any time thinking about the concept of atheism. In fact, having never met an atheist I thought the term was a dictionary concept rather than anything that actually happened in practice. The first time someone told me that they didn’t believe in God I recall being appalled. I went from having a mild crush on the guy to thinking: I don’t really like you, for if you don’t believe in God you have got to be satanic. That moment was a turning point in my friendship with this guy because I don’t think I put very much into being friends with him after that. When he told me that he suffers from depression, I remember thinking that it was probably linked to his non-belief of a higher power! Being at the University of Cambridge, that was just the first of many encounters. Cambridge is a breeding ground for thinkers, people that question everything and from that moment on I met many atheists with the end result that I now understand and respect their view. I think it takes a lot more effort to not believe than it does to believe. Most of us were born within a certain religion. We were indoctrinated with it from a young age and have never thought to question it. A lot of introspection resulted from my meeting and questioning so many atheists. Every single atheist I know has a very sound moral code. In fact many behave better than some of my fellow Christians, I know that if I misbehave I can just go to confession and God will forgive. An atheist has to live with it in their conscience, they can’t pass the buck on to God. Upon looking at myself I accepted that: I have never known hunger. I have never known cold. I grew up in a two-parent home where I was loved and cared for. I have never known any real want. Mine has been a safe and sheltered existence and that in itself means I cannot judge those that have suffered in ways I can only imagine: Many people out there are going to bed without any food tonight. If such a person told me they didn’t believe in a God, how could I even begin to judge them negatively? There are many little boys and girls out there tonight being abused by the people that are supposed to protect them. A girl out there is zealous and enthusiastic about a trip she has been promised to a developed country where she can better herself – little does she know that she has just become someone’s drug mule or sex slave. I watched a program a couple of weeks ago where a woman was being forced by her husband to sleep with other men for money; he beat her if she refused. Some punters came to her house at lunch time, her husband made her cook lunch for all of them, he then accepted some money and she had to a go to a room to let the man do his business. She described herself as being “the unluckiest woman in the world”. “What could be worse than this?” she asked the journalist. Indeed, what could? I for one could only weep as I watched the injustice unfold. ![]() So, what ominous event happened today? Sometimes events call one to question whether God does truly exist and today was one such day for me. My sister’s Facebook status update in the morning said something about God always knowing what was going to happen in advance of its occurrence and as such we should trust him. Cynically, I thought, “Does he know in advance when a helpless five year old child is going to be molested by those that should be trusted?” Watch enough episodes of Law and Order: SVU and you too will think in these mysterious ways. Anyway, the very thought made me begin to question God’s existence. When I got home from work I decided to do a patch of housework, I very rarely do housework during the week, I save it for the weekend. I would say this event occurs but once a month, if that (my husband says once a year!) As I was cleaning I decided to clean out a compartment of my tumble dryer that’s supposed to be cleaned once every three to six months – it hadn’t been cleared in at least a year. On the second scoop out of the gunk, I found a ring that belongs to neither me nor my husband; a guest must have forgotten it. It reads: Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding Pr 3:5. I was spooked! Can a question be more directly answered?
Malenga Chienda
29/3/2012 06:39:42 am
Wow! This is so touching. God is trying to say something to you Heather,He wants you to believe that He is out there watching over you that's the reason He has sent that ring into your household.
Ms. Katsonga
29/3/2012 05:15:23 pm
I'm 100% sure of that. I don't think I would ever stop believing there's a God out there even if I occasionally question it.
Fumba Chibaka
29/3/2012 06:53:53 am
Thanks for sharing this, Heather.
29/3/2012 10:00:22 am
Well.. to start.. I love Jesus and the fact that He works in mysterious.. but that is MY ring that I have asked you about for months that I forgot over there!!!! It's fine I bought a new one so please keep it!
29/3/2012 12:37:51 pm
Heather my love..might I add. I am in no way attempting to downplay the fact that God is tryna tell you something here.. because I mean, the fact that I forgot it there.. i didn't forget many things, especially thing I wear everyday.. and then what are the odds that You would find it on the very day when your heart is in such turmoil and your faith is being shaken.. God does know everything, perfectly orchestrates everything that happens in out lives!
Ms. Katsonga
29/3/2012 03:19:09 pm
I know right. I almost NEVER do so much housework mid-week and in the two years I've had the machine, that compartment has only ever been cleaned once before yesterday! I thought you had complained of a missing ring. You must have left it in a pocket which is odd?!
29/3/2012 03:18:39 pm
Heather, I have had my fair share of doubts!!!! But there have been certain things that have happened in my life recently that has made me realise that we should always trust God no matter what!!!! His ways and actions are those that we can never comprehend!!!
Ms. Katsonga
29/3/2012 05:17:56 pm
Angela, if I look at my own life, I could never doubt it for a moment but sometimes we look at other people's suffering and ask "why?".
Janet Ansah
29/3/2012 08:27:28 pm
This is wonderful and thought provoking indeed.
29/3/2012 08:35:56 pm
I am truly humbled by this. Let man be liar and God be true. God will always find means of communicating to us about his existence. Remain blessed!
29/3/2012 08:53:18 pm
Thanks for sharing this touching experience, in addition to Tiamo's response/s.....there are so many awesome scriptures in the Bible, yet it was Proverbs 3:5 you had engraved at the time you got the ring and that was the very scripture that unbeknown to you would later minister to Heather such a unique way. God sure is awesome in His ways.
That Believer
29/3/2012 08:54:39 pm
Great Blog,
Ms. Katsonga
29/3/2012 11:10:34 pm
Thanks Aubs. I'm afraid I can't agree with your view. The dictionary definition of Satanic is "supremely evil or wicked". To say the choices are God or Satan is the same as saying Good or Evil.
That Believer, still believing
30/3/2012 11:49:22 pm
I get so excited about having such discussion, especially with an intellectual such as yourself. Maybe let me express my view in a different way. When I am at work and there is an accounting issue that requires solving, if the answer is not my immediate knowledge, i refer to accounting guidance as per the International Financial Reporting Standards.
Ms Katsonga
31/3/2012 12:44:23 am
I don't know why the reply button isn't working - anyway to "That Believer":
That Believer, still believin even after 10 years
31/3/2012 05:15:18 am
You have my attention on this issue, 100% of my attention. I think this is great conversation and to be honest a challenging one at that. It is with great pleasure that I get to respond.
Q. Barriere
10/4/2012 01:24:04 am
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December 2015
By Heather Katsonga-WoodwardI'm always thinking, debating, considering and revising my views - some of those deliberations will be shared right here. |