This is a much discussed topic and a frequently asked question! Some people don't like their hair getting frizzy and want ways to stop it from doing so. Here's how you can stop or at least temper that frizz!
1. Rinse with cold water Warm water causes hair to frizz. However, in order to loosen dirt and oils from the scalp and hair during a wash, you need it. The solution to quell the frizzing is to rinse conditioner out with cool water, as cool as you can stand. This tames the frizz and boosts shininess. 2. Leave some of your rinse-out conditioner According to the Science of Black Hair, "If hair dryness and frizziness are major problems after shampooing and conditioning your hair, consider allowing a small amount of your "rinse-out" conditioner to remain in the hair after rinsing for additional control and sleekness. 3. Use a microfiber towel or a 100% cotton shirt to dry your wet hair A regular towel ruffles up the hair fibres and causes the hair cuticle to lift and frizz. Microfiber is more absorbent than cotton. 4. Master your hair drying technique Don't rub or ruffle the hair dry; either just tie your cotton shirt or microfiber towel around your head and let the water drip into the shirt or towel; alternatively squeeze gently down your partitions, if you twisted or plaited your hair for the wash. Similarly, if you keep touching your hair you'll also encourage it to frizz. Lots of touching and rubbing causes frizziness because you tamper with the hair's cuticle layer. 5. Mix gel and serum For more defined curls, mix a little gel with serum and scrunch (don't rub) this mixture down your hair by lightly squeezing. Gel, as always, helps to set the style and the serum smoothes the hair down thereby blocking atmospheric moisture from frizzing the hair. 6. Try Argan oil Argan oil is reputed as being the best oil for tempering frizz. 7. Give the ends a little more TLC Remember that the tips of your hair are older, weaker and therefore more prone to frizz. They need more moisture and (if possible) will perform better if they're not rubbing against clothing. Finally, remember that some types of hair are just more frizzy than other types. If you try everything above and you still get frizz you'll just have to accept it and work with it! ![]() Get your FREE ebook on How To Grow Long, Healthy Natural Kinky or Curly Hair. References: The Science of Black Hair, pages 78, 147-8 12/12/2012 09:43:12 am
Thank you so very much for the information. I know that it will be helpful.
Lakisha Loatman
12/4/2013 05:51:19 am
I would truly like to receive one of your free books on
Lizzy W
2/11/2013 06:26:13 pm
Thanks for the tips on taming frizz! I practically did all of them yesterday including blasting washed hair with cold water!! My hair is now been African threaded with wool (soaked in oil first) overnight with the plan to wear it in a quick protective style for work. Thanks for the information.
15/11/2013 07:50:27 am
Greetings All,
23/7/2014 09:45:31 pm
Hi your info is very helpful thank you. I also would like know was the best moisturizer for your I've tried most products but my hair is always dry.
denise greene
19/8/2014 07:30:03 am
My hair is very dry i do Cantu bantu knot and the first day it's not dry but the 2nd 3edition day it's so dry what can i use please help
Martieen Anderson
11/1/2015 05:42:22 am
Hi i would like to say thanks for healthy hair tips. I'm doing my best to follow the exact tips . I want my hair to grow at least to bra strap(under) so far it's IT just touching beginning of my bra strap. I was wondering is it okay to use leave in conditioner daily for moisturizing my hair texture is wavy at the roots andmy ends are curly but when my ends dry up it look bushes . I follw the steps for frizz . I just to know if using shea butter leave in okay for daily use .Once again i appreciate you sharing your hair journey and tips on healthy hair care. Comments are closed.
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By Heather Katsonga-Woodward
I was a natural hair blogger and mixtress living between London & Chicago from 2012 to 2017. I always thought I was 4C but some say 4B; images below - you decide! Heather xx Categories
November 2016