As a natural haired lovely it's likely that you don't want to reach for the next anti-dandruff shampoo to treat your dandruff because it probably contains sulfates and will dry out your hair.
Here are some solutions that you might not know about: 1. Drink more water When the moisture content of the scalp falls below 10% dandruff may result. Dandruff is simple an increase in the rate at which the skin cells on the scalp divide. They are constantly dividing anyway but we only see this process when it becomes accelerated and is revealed through dandruff. 2. Crush a couple of aspirins and stir them into your shampoo Make sure to put the aspirins into the portion of shampoo you plan on using just for that wash rather than to the whole bottle. 3. Wash your hair with baking soda rather than shampoo Dilute the baking soda before application. 1 tablespoon for every litre of water should be enough. This can work quite well for type 1 and type 2 hair, however, type 3 and 4 hair types tend to find this quite abrasive. Asulfate-free shampoo may be the better option for we, the kinky haired.
4. Add honey to your conditioner
Honey has antibacterial properties. It can also help to relieve any itching and flaking caused by dandruff. You can use the honey on its own but do know that excessive use of honey can lighten your hair's color. 5. Rinse your hair in lemony water Squeeze the juice from half a lemon into 1 or 2 litres of water and run it through your hair after your wash and condition routine.
6. Rinse your hair in apple cider vinegar (ACV)
This is an alternative to the lemon rinse. After your wash and condition routine, mix 100 ml of ACV with 1 litre of water and rinse your hair with the solution. 7. Add rosemary essential oil to all your hair products. Rosemary essential oil is one of the ingredients in Neno Natural's Hair Growth Stimulator. It helps to treat dandruff because it has antibacterial properties. You can also add 10 to 12 drops of rosemary essential oil to 30 ml (1 oz) of your favourite oil and massage it into your scalp. You might also like: What Causes Dandruff? ​Get your FREE ebook on How To Grow Long, Healthy Natural Kinky or Curly Hair. Ref: 6 Homemade Dandruff Treatments Natural Solutions for Dandruff
Josephine Lee
20/2/2013 02:34:14 am
Such great tips my niece and my Bestie suffers from dandruff and this will be great tips to tell them.
Heather @ Neno Natural
21/2/2013 07:31:48 pm
Thanks Josephine!
20/2/2013 02:46:06 am
Banking soda for wash my hair?! But one of your videos you said that baking soda is not good!!
Heather @ Neno Natural
21/2/2013 07:35:00 pm
Hi Anna,
22/2/2013 07:55:00 pm
Thanks for your replay Heather!!! But you forgot to replayed my second question lol! What about mix honey with egg and mayonnaise for conditionar?!
Heather @ Neno Natural
24/2/2013 05:18:53 pm
Hi Anna,
Jennifer Bass
20/2/2013 06:23:23 am
Thanks for the tips, I've been using ACV after conditioning, but not rinsing out and it works for a couple of days. I will add one or two of your other suggestions for better and hopefully longer results.
Heather @ Neno Natural
21/2/2013 07:35:32 pm
Thanks Jennifer.
27/8/2013 05:04:30 am
Is banking soda harder on hair than sulfate shampoo? I have eczema and frequently wash my hair with a medicated shampoo that has sulfur in it. I do acv rinses but i still have to wash weekly.
Jasmin Campbell
10/8/2014 04:31:09 pm
I live in the Bahamas and find it impossible to find a good shampoo so I've just been washing my daughter and my hair with organic apple cider vinegar... is that okay?
Deneise Green
14/8/2014 01:04:17 am
Thanks Neno for the wonderful tips. I am experiencing mark improvement in my hair quality. The recommended products are easily accessible so I am able to apply your suggestions. Continue doing the good work. Comments are closed.
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By Heather Katsonga-Woodward
I was a natural hair blogger and mixtress living between London & Chicago from 2012 to 2017. I always thought I was 4C but some say 4B; images below - you decide! Heather xx Categories
November 2016