Thyme essential oil (Thymus vulgaris) also known as Common Thyme has numerous documented antiseptic and healing properties.
Thyme stimulates blood circulation. Therefore rubbing an oil that contains thyme onto your scalp promotes the delivery of nutrients to the scalp and encourages hair growth.[i] Thyme is known to help with dandruff problems and to clear dirt from the scalp.[ii] Thyme has also been used to treat thinning hair and hair loss problems. However, note that not there are many different types of thyme. Thymus Vulgaris itself comes in two commercial varieties: red thyme and white thyme. White thyme is derived by re-distilling red thyme. Red thyme has more phenols and is, as a result, more expensive. Overuse of red thyme can easily lead to skin irritation. For this reason, we prefer to use white thyme in the production of Neno Natural’s Hair Growth Stimulator. If you’re wondering what phenols are, they’re a group of chemical compounds found in plants. Whilst some phenols are toxic and corrosive, others are believed to be involved in cancer prevention, to have antioxidant properties and to slow down the aging process.[iii] What is thyme when it’s at home? Thyme is an evergreen shrub that grows to a maximum height of 15 to 20 cm. It is native to Southern Europe. [i] What Essentials Oils Are Good for Hair Growth (Livestrong) [ii] Natural Hair Care ( [iii] What are the Benefits of Phenols (Livestrong)
31/8/2014 08:51:24 am
Is thyme red good for your hair? 13/9/2014 01:36:04 pm
i agreed the thyme essential oil is very useful, i have used this on my hair. i can claim this oil is very effective for regrowing my hair . thanks for this information. Comments are closed.
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By Heather Katsonga-Woodward
I was a natural hair blogger and mixtress living between London & Chicago from 2012 to 2017. I always thought I was 4C but some say 4B; images below - you decide! Heather xx Categories
November 2016