My scalp gets itchy sometimes; There are few things so annoying as an itchy scalp.
A few weeks ago I had to wake up in the middle of the night to co-wash my hair with my anti-itch solution just so that I could get some relief. Scratching too much can lead to hair loss so I hate scratching. What causes the scalp to itch? 1. Dirt including dandruff 2. Allergies, e.g. to products or even food
4. A scalp condition, e.g. seborrheic dermatitis 5. Infections, inflammation including from acne and autoimmune disorders But I thought black people don't get lice? Not true. Anyone can get lice, however, people who relax their hair are less likely to get lice because relaxer is a VERY STRONG chemical. Perhaps the incidence of lice has historically been lower for black women because of almost universal chemical relaxer usage. With all of us going natural lice rates are sure to go up! Children usually get lice from their friends at school and that's how lice might enter your home. What are the solutions to an itchy scalp? 1. Wash and condition your hair using Neno Natural's Full-proof Anti-itch Methodology 2. Find out what you are allergic to and stop eating it. If you think it's a given product, stop using the product you suspect and see if the itching goes away. Once you discover the product that your scalp 'doesn't like', stop using it, 3. If all else fails, see a dermatologist.
12/2/2013 03:13:31 am
I use Bronner Brothers Pine tree scalp conditioner(grease) or coconut oil. They both work really well. A hot oil treatment with the coconut oil usually gets rid of my dandruff for about a month.
Heather @ Neno Natural
18/2/2013 12:52:50 am
Thanks for that tip, Nina.
12/2/2013 08:48:01 pm
Hi Heather, actually Black natural hair has a lesser chance of attracting lice. Not that it never does, but the prevalence is much lower due to the texture. Whenever there’s an outbreak in our schools it was the kids with straighter hair (White, Indian, other) that suffered the most. Black kids almost never had problems.
29/8/2013 02:05:18 am
Tea tree oil works for me and the smell goes away after a few minutes Comments are closed.
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By Heather Katsonga-Woodward
I was a natural hair blogger and mixtress living between London & Chicago from 2012 to 2017. I always thought I was 4C but some say 4B; images below - you decide! Heather xx Categories
November 2016