First things first, what's matted hair? Your hair becomes matted if you go to bed without twisting it for a couple of nights. It sticks together and flattens against your scalp - a bit like I don't know, a mat?
Because it's normally dry as well, you can't just comb it out of its matted state. It would cause lots of breakage and be quite painful. There's a simple solution: 1. Spritz your hair with water. I normally add my essential oil blend, Neno Natural's Hair Growth Stimulator, to my water. 2. Don't try to lift the matted hair out immediately. Put a shower cap over your head then go about your business. 3. After about 15 minutes, the hair will be soft enough to deal with. It will feel completely different. You can spritz more water onto it if you like. Finger comb it and you're good to go. Simple as A, B, C. Or 1, 2, 3 in this case. One of my friends gave up on being natural because she simply couldn't deal with matted hair and as the only natural haired black person in her boarding school, there was no one to turn to, ah well.
14/9/2014 01:04:10 pm
Thank you!!! I really needed that. I'm in an inbetween stage with my hair growth and it takes a while to twist because it's not that long When I don't twist it, it becomes matted.
14/9/2014 02:47:20 pm
Love your blogs!
14/9/2014 04:11:05 pm
Am so glad you posted this, was actually on a cross road on that issue; now it's resolved.
14/9/2014 04:21:58 pm
I am two months post BC and a 4C. My hair is so dry... Have tried the LOC LCO with water, Shea butter and castor oil but don't seem to be getting anywhere. What am I doing wrong?
15/9/2014 03:49:45 am
Hi DeeKay74,
14/9/2014 04:46:56 pm
I'm a 4C type and my hair is short to even twist before I go to bed. Should I Spritz is everyday? Thanks for the post.
14/9/2014 10:04:50 pm
thank you for the post. your posts are always so useful.
14/9/2014 11:23:17 pm
Thanks for the info---my question is my scalp is dry andI beendearing wearing braids. It seems to turn to hard patches in my scalp? What can I use for that ...thank you
15/9/2014 12:40:39 am
I just did the big chop and I have 4c hair. I was wondering how I was going to handle this because it will take me way too long to twist my hair up every night because I don't have the length yet. Thanks for the help.
15/9/2014 02:42:40 am
Thanks for the tips. However, this method seems to work for light matting. I recently had severe matting and even with conditioner and a plastic cap left on for over an hour my hair was very difficult to untangle. I lost a lot of hair.
15/9/2014 08:30:13 am
OMG thank you i usually have this problem a lot i just found a better way to deal with it thank you thank you
Kayanna Evans
15/9/2014 11:20:48 am
Thankyou so much ! You have helped me a lot with my journey with natural hair .
Deneise Green
16/9/2014 12:33:02 am
what does your essential oil blend consist of?
Cathy Wilson
16/9/2014 04:07:59 am
17/9/2014 03:34:44 am
I love it! Comments are closed.
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By Heather Katsonga-Woodward
I was a natural hair blogger and mixtress living between London & Chicago from 2012 to 2017. I always thought I was 4C but some say 4B; images below - you decide! Heather xx Categories
November 2016