Yes, but not indefinitely!
Most of the benefit of regular conditioners comes from the stuff that coats your hair. These ingredients are designed to coat hair so that it looks more shiny and strengthens hair from the outside. That said, many products that are designed specifically for natural black hair recognise the fact that our hair is weaker so they include more ingredients that adsorb (penetrate) into hair and strengthen the hair fiber from the inside. This is especially true of deep conditioners. That said, this penetration process will happen within 20 to 30 minutes. Keeping the conditioner on for more than 30 minutes will have no added benefit whatsover. Let me explain it another way: you know when you have wilted salad leaves in the fridge? When you immerse the leaves in cold water they water goes into the leaf and it starts to look more solid again. They look fresher and can be served. After that point (when the leaves are "turgid") keeping the leaves in the water for longer has no benefit whatsoever. In fact, if it's a hot day those leaves will start rotting right there in the water! The key with using a conditioner is to make sure that it is evenly spread over all your hair.
In summary, if you leave your conditioner on your head for hours and hours there is no added benefit whatsoever. If you're like "but it feels softer" that has nothing to do with the conditioner, it's just the moisture. If you rinsed all the conditioner off and put a shower cap back on you would get the same result!
26/12/2013 05:22:51 am
Only if you co wash with silicones or non botanical conditioners (certified natural) which contain drying alcohols or waxes/petroleum. ingredients like those listed above coat the hair and causes hair to get dry and break off. silicone s keep moisture out as well as petroleum and other waxes. With these conditioners only sulfate shampoo can clean the hair of product build up .I know this from experience now I do the curly girl method by Lorain Massey my hair is more moisturized than ever. I've been silicone free for 2 months. Comments are closed.
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By Heather Katsonga-Woodward
I was a natural hair blogger and mixtress living between London & Chicago from 2012 to 2017. I always thought I was 4C but some say 4B; images below - you decide! Heather xx Categories
November 2016