Following the 15% discount coupons given exclusively to Neno Natural fans Hydratherma Naturals are giving away three products! Three lucky winners will win one of each. This giveaway is open to US residents only. To enter, please answer the question at the bottom.
Learn more about Hydratherma Naturals. Visit: Facebook, Twitter.
COMPETITION CLOSED Entry question was: how many conditioners did you try before you found "the one"? If you're still looking tell us. Get your FREE ebook on How To Grow Long, Healthy Natural Kinky or Curly Hair.
Trish Perez
9/2/2013 05:08:58 am
I'm still looking for "the" conditioner. I gave done the big chop and live in extreme dry heat. It's been a challenge and very expensive to keep my hair conditioned. I'd love for this struggle to be over.
Nikita Lee
10/2/2013 07:07:10 am
I found one that helps me get by, which is the conditioner by herbal essence. However I am still in search of a good conditioner that will leave my hair looking healthy and shiny.
Karen D Jefferson
9/2/2013 05:21:35 am
So far I have purchased one. I've continued with it because of the many positive responses I gathered. Money is really tight for me right now, so I have to cautious with my spending.
Tisheia Harding
9/2/2013 05:23:16 am
I currently use Hair Rules Ultra Quench Rich Conditioner and Hibiscus and Honey Butta leave in conditioner by Curl Junkie. I love both but they don't last as long as I feel it should. My hair is kinky curly and I'm still learning my hair and I want to limit the heat usage on it and retain as much moisture as humanly possible. I'm also using those same products on my daughters and my eldest is more of a kinky hair type and I'm still trying to learn how to deal with her hair which drinks all the moisture that I apply to it. So it's a learning process for me and my girls, but it's also very enjoyable and we're bonding in the process. But I'd love to find products that help quench the thirst our hair screams for!
kim surles-billings
9/2/2013 05:43:34 am
I used a few conditioners since i turned natural. I would love to find a product that will leave my hair shiny,strong,and mosterized. My hair tends to dry fast so i need a product that would nourish my hair.
vonya wallace
9/2/2013 06:16:51 am
I recently went natural and i have no idea where to go from here. So far i've tried three conditioners but my hair is so complex in textures that only certain areas benefit from the moisturizers. I'm still trying to find my niche, so to speak, where it comes to natural hair.
9/2/2013 06:18:23 am
Number 6 was my lucky conditioner. I call it my trusted 1. I love it
14/2/2013 04:15:07 am
You found it in #6; what is is? lol
9/2/2013 06:32:25 am
I have recently gone from locs for 12 years to natural hair ( I took 4 whole days to unravel my long locs). Of course the first thing I heard was to make sure you have a great conditioner. When I was unraveling my locs I needed loads of conditioner. I have been using Eden Jojoba Monoi All Natural Deep Conditioner ever since. It really helped unravel my locs without so much damage and since then, my natural curls come alive when I use it. I'm open to new products especially to prevent breakage and make my hair healthy.
Priscilla Adjei
9/2/2013 06:39:36 am
I'm still looking for "the one". I keep finding stuff that works for a couple months and then it's like my hair morphs and resists! So then I have to find something else that works better. So I'll keep searching!
Cara C
9/2/2013 06:40:34 am
I haven't actually found "The" conditioner. I currently use a series, moisture-locking technique thingy. It's not really too helpful on wet hair but it does work amazingly on dry hair. I am open to new products and new ideas. With good faith, I will soon find "The" conditioner.
tshanny m
9/2/2013 06:52:01 am
I've grown up using what ever my mother purchased. I've tried several bt now I just stick to one. Don't know if its the one still looking.
Cricket McKinnis
9/2/2013 06:54:53 am
I still haven't found "the one"
9/2/2013 06:55:33 am
I found one conditioner that I really love but I am not sure if its the one. No matter what I do, a couple hours after I condition my hair gets crunchy all over again.
Anita T
9/2/2013 06:57:22 am
In the last year about seven and still looking. I haven't found the extract one yet still looking for Mr.Right Conditiner
9/2/2013 07:00:33 am
I am still looking for "the one". I have spent money on quite a few and I am at a point now where I at least look for samples to try before I throw any more money down the drain. I would love to find a staple at this point because I am almost two years into my natural journey and I would love to have a trust conditioner by now. So would my hair.
Stacy Hardy
9/2/2013 07:05:40 am
I am still looking for a moisturizing conditioner. For a protein conditioner. Hydratherma Naturals Amino Plus Protein DC Treatment is a winner!
9/2/2013 07:17:04 am
I'm still trying different product.
LaTanya Lawson
9/2/2013 07:56:37 am
I've tried 5 different ones to no avail... I'm still lookng for "the one"...
Lisa V. Brown
9/2/2013 08:28:05 am
I've tried too many conditioners to name and I keep trying for one with good slip and moisturizing qualities.
Heather @ Neno Natural
15/2/2013 12:54:28 am
Congratulations Lisa V. Brown, you've won the Protein Balance Leave In Conditioner from Hydratherma!
Angela Crawford
9/2/2013 08:45:30 am
I've yet to find "THE ONE" I've tried many but, after using them all for a few weeks or month's my hair begins to resists. Then it becomes money down the drain. So, I'm still in search of that special ONE Conditioner, that will end my product junkie conditioner search.
9/2/2013 08:54:17 am
I've been natural for a little over 2-years and it took me 6 conditioners (5 trips to Whole Foods for the conditioners) until I found one that I REALLY like :)
Nina Mensah
9/2/2013 08:54:58 am
I still haven’t found the perfect conditioner for my hair type. I have tried everything. I have very thick and coarse hair. So bad my mother considered perming my hair at 6 months old. Luckily my family convinced her not too. I am transitioning for the first time in my life from relaxed hair to natural. I am not am not mentally ready for the big chop so I am struggling with the condition of my hair. Trying not to add any chemicals to my hair. My dilemma is if I couldn't find a good condition from my unruly relaxed hair, how am I going to find a conditioner for my natural hair?
V. Barber
9/2/2013 09:20:37 am
I don't think I will ever find the one. My hair has moods, so one conditioner does not work the same all the time. However, I do get very discouraged when I try something that's been raved over and it doesn't work! :( Plus, I'm a stylist and there's always gonna be some new conditioner that I just have to try. After all, I owe it to my clients ;)
Priscilla belton
9/2/2013 09:59:54 am
I use hydratherma naturals protein leave in, deep moisture cond and protein cond. love it
9/2/2013 10:03:25 am
I just did my big chop late October, so I'm still adjusting to my hair texture as well. I've been using only one conditioner but I'm not even sure its the type of conditioner i should use with shampooing it's like a mayonnaise conditioner I haven't gotten any problems out of it and my hair seems to be okay I'm just not sure because again I'm getting use to my texture and money is funny:-) So winning this could be beneficial.
Whitney M.
9/2/2013 10:04:46 am
I am currently still looking for a great conditioner along with everything else. It is hard to find the closest conditioner to being perfect. I recently cut the rest of my relaxed ends off so im completely natural after transitioning for 13 months. My hair type is VERY dry. I love my hair but the lack of moisture kills my joy sometimes. I am still researching products because i want to enjoy my natural hair ! :)
Dorothea R.
9/2/2013 10:52:53 am
how many conditioners did you try before you found "the one"? If you're still looking tell us.
9/2/2013 11:55:21 am
I started transitioning last year after a scalp infection....i've tried everything: hot oils, deep conditioners, leave-ins. I'M STILL LOOKING...ive enlisted friends on FB to help find hairdressers that service transitioners in Chicago,haven't found one yet. what i REALLY want??? a regimen that i can do at home that works: i want healthy hair,not just healthy-looking hair!
9/2/2013 12:43:26 pm
Well I've Used Like Three Conditioners For My Hair . They Work But The One That Has Work The Best Is Creme Of Nature . Its Really Nice & I love It , It's a Great Product For Those Who Have Natural Hair .
9/2/2013 01:28:27 pm
I'm still looking for THE conditioner, yours maybe the one. 9/2/2013 02:41:17 pm
I tried about three really great conditoners before I found HH Hello Hydration. It does wonders for my hair, since I am about a month since my BC [YAY!] I co-wash all the time. I use HH Herbal Hydration as a deep conditioner as well as a small amount as a leave in. For me, It is the best product I have period!
Sophia C
9/2/2013 02:42:30 pm
I am still currently on the hunt for that "one" conditioner. I have used over 10 conditioners and have not gave me that moisture that my hair need and ph balance it need. I have to put extra oils in all of my conditioners to get what i need but im still on the hunt. Maybe this could be the one..
Sade D.
9/2/2013 03:50:22 pm
I have tried one conditioner that i use for co-washing, and i love it! I am thinking about trying something else to see if it would work better, I am in fact looking for a good deep conditioner
Zulema P
10/2/2013 01:58:33 am
I actually tried 3 different conditioners until I found the one I truly love hydratherma natural 10/2/2013 03:06:02 am
I tried Kinky Curly Knot Today & the As I Am leave in conditioners and I like them both. But my hair loves the Beautiful Curls (for Curly to Kinky hair) leave in. So I tried two before finding "the one." 10/2/2013 08:11:44 am
It didn't take me long to find a good conditioner. After a couple of tries I found a couple of them that are as my staples. So I would say about 5 different types of conditioners before I found a staple one.
10/2/2013 08:28:31 am
I'm still looking for that "perfect" combination of rinse,conditioner, and moisturizer. peace*
10/2/2013 09:28:13 pm
I took 2 condtioners before i found the right one for me. Im currently using As I Am Conditioner.
Tracey Curtis
10/2/2013 09:44:56 pm
I'm still looking for conditioners. I especially need moisturizer for my daughter. She has a lot of breakage. Desperately need help!!! 10/2/2013 10:46:23 pm
I am still trying conditions to find the one. Back during my high school days in the late 1990's Mane & Tail was the one conditioner for my hair but they have changed up the ingredients and my body has changed since that time so it is no longer the one. I am presently sticking to my budget while buying different conditions until I find the one again that makes my hair really soft, moisturized,full of body, and healthy.
Toni Gilstrop
10/2/2013 10:57:47 pm
I am presently looking for "the one" conditioner or hair systems or systems that work. During my high school years in the late 1990's my conditioner was Mane & Tail. But they changed their ingredients and my body has changed. I have put my hair thru the back and forth change of relaxing and growing being natural for certain lengths of time. I have decided to go natural permenantly because I feel it is better for me and my hair. I have found the shampoo that cleanses my hair but doesn't leave it feeling dry and brittle. However, conditioners (both washout and leave-in) are a little bite harder to tack down. I will continue my search while managing to stay in my budget for the right conditioners for my hair that leave it soft,full of body,moisturized, and healthy.
11/2/2013 05:53:43 am
I am still looking it has been a terribly frustrating hair journey for me and still no relief
11/2/2013 06:44:45 am
I am STILL looking for a staple conditioner
Eureka Markle
11/2/2013 08:13:12 am
I tried many conditioners until I finally purchased the hydrotherma line and it works perfect for my hair
LaNisha Hale
11/2/2013 08:18:00 am
I only found one other one that I love The One by Paul Mitchell. I have to wait for shipping in my area, so I used this alot.
Michelle Bowens
11/2/2013 08:19:32 am
I'm still looking for a great leave in conditioner
Ola McGhee
11/2/2013 08:22:45 am
About 4 but I'm still looking for my one and only.
11/2/2013 08:33:12 am
I was never that intense with taking care of my hair. Just. Wash. Go. I've used Pantene, Herbal Essence, Home made Terressential. Over the last few weeks, however, I have been using your products.
Valerie M Fuentes
11/2/2013 08:50:48 am
I used 4. I threw out all the previous hair products immediately after the first use of Hydratherma Naturals Hair Products. The best thing that ever happened to my hair.
Tamica Williams
11/2/2013 09:41:03 am
I have tried about three conditioners still haven't found one yet.
11/2/2013 09:45:57 am
I have no idea how many conditioners I have tried in the past 6 years. I LOVE Hydrathermal Naturals protein balance leave in. I use Shea Moisture & Tresemme Naturals bc it's easily accessible in my area.
Jennifer R.
11/2/2013 10:41:57 am
I tried maybe about four different conditioners and found one that I really like. Then I ordered Hydratherma Naturals and REALLY love it. Now I'm almost out. Will still use it wether I win or not!
Evalyn Gossett
11/2/2013 11:22:23 am
I am still looking for the exact conditioner for my hair. I have tried, hello hydrations, jane carter, as i am, shea moisture, naat, olive moisturizer, (apohee but will not use it since i fear i will not do this process correctly), and there are others I have tried also. HELP!!!! I really want to learn what works for my hair and get a consistent routine to what I do and how I do it. But regardless, I am so happy to not be addicted to the creamy crack, the expensive salons and the stylers who do just what they want to make a dollar. It is my responsibility and I am committed to doing what I need to have healthy hair and my own style which I can maintain.
Ebony Walker
11/2/2013 11:32:43 am
I've been natural almost 2 years now and have yet to find a conditioner I really really love. My daughter is 5 and also natural so together we have tried about 5 different conditioners. Honestly i'm tired of "hunting" down good products and wasting so much money because we both have shoulder length hair. We love samples or smaller bottles so we can try a product without spending a lot for a big bottle. I'm still searching for something with plenty of moisture and possible essential oils for our hair.
Heather @ Neno Natural
15/2/2013 12:56:28 am
Congratulations Ebony Walker, you've won the Daily Moisturizing Growth Lotion from Hydratherma! 11/2/2013 12:09:11 pm
I would love to try yours, I'm still searching for the right one! I haven't found the right conditioner yet. I've found some that appear to leave an alcohol feeling on my hair leaving it drier than without using a conditioner. I've found a few that I like for the day, day two rolls along and my hair is sticky. Still searching...
12/2/2013 01:59:39 am
Im still looking. But one that I love is called Refresh by Trader Joes. It has all the oils that us naturals love. However I think it works best in conjunction with the shampoo.Smell is wonderful and lingers plus its only $3.99
Elizabeth James
12/2/2013 03:36:01 am
I have used so many different types of conditioners that I have lost count! I really think that I have found a good combo of products that I have been using for a while. After my pre-poo and wash, I use Aphogee's 2 minute keratin treatment, follow that with Garnier Fructis Triple Nutrition 3-Minute Undo Dryness Reversal Treatment, then finish off with a leave-in. The leave in varies between the Aphogee and Doo-gro brand. Those two have really helped strengthen my hair. This has worked so far so I will stick with it until I see a product I really want to try.
nidea robinson
12/2/2013 03:36:58 am
I Have tried almost 5 conditioners think ive found one but im still curremtly looking for something that works on my natural 4c hair! If anyone care to share what they use it would be greatly appreciated!
12/2/2013 03:45:31 am
I tried about 3 or 4 before I found As I Am products and that's what's been working for me so far.
Jessica Figaro
12/2/2013 03:48:50 am
The Conditioner that am currently using is a mix that i made myself it contains different Dominican treatments that is used for dry hair i have been going natural since sept2012 and i did kind of a big chop i love it my hair is always shining and smooth
Christina Smith
12/2/2013 03:55:23 am
I've tried about 3 different conditioners and each were ok, but I still haven't found 'the one'.
Jamillia Howard
12/2/2013 04:11:29 am
I am still looking for the "one" perfect conditioner for my hair. I am currently using a combination of 3 different conditioners. Being able to use just one would be great.
12/2/2013 04:12:23 am
It certainly has been an jounery for me and so far I found a leave in I enjoy and can say I found the one yet but I'm learning what to look out for and I listen to my hair,
Rakia Ra
12/2/2013 04:24:36 am
I have found a conditioner that works very well for my hair since I just had my second child about 2 weeks ago. During my pregnancy, my hair just became so dry and brittle, no matter what I did to it. So, one of my girlfriends had been using Shea Moisture organic, all natural hair products for a about 2 years and she loves it. She had me try the Restorative Conditioner and it really did the job restoring my hair with shine, manageability and moisture. It can be used as a rinse out or leave-in. Certainly happy with this conditioner at this time.
Kateisha Williams
12/2/2013 04:28:15 am
I have tried several conditions and I can't quite find that condition that will leave my hair free and clean.
avie holmes
12/2/2013 05:18:24 am
I recently (4 months ago) took out my dreads which I have had for 8 years. I have tried about 8 conditioners and I cant seem to find one that works well for my hair which can be very dry, puffy, and my ends tangle in a curl.
Sophia Loren Monroe
12/2/2013 05:55:15 am
I have tried 4 I believe and Im not sure there is a perfect conditioner, it really depends on the climate, the condition of your hair and your daily hair regimen. Hair is like science, you'll find a new discovery in each season. There is a time and season for everything under the sun! On a journey to unfold new products for this time and season.. Good luck ladies:)
12/2/2013 06:07:30 am
I'm still looking. My husband always comments on how we have 4 or 5 conditioners in the house. I remind him that both myself and our five daughters (yes I said FIVE, and thank your for your prayers and condolences - lol) all have different textures... :-)
Deon Wright
12/2/2013 06:36:16 am
I've been through several conditioners but right now "the one" is Aubrey's Honeysuckle Rose for my 4b/4c hair.
Deon Wright
12/2/2013 06:41:40 am
Oh! And "several" equals 9!
12/2/2013 08:36:29 am
So far i have been happy with this one.....Shea Moisture Organic Raw Shea Butter Restorative Conditioner
Heather @ Neno Natural
15/2/2013 12:57:43 am
Congratulations Tai, you've won the Hair Growth Oil from Hydratherma!
12/2/2013 09:56:28 am
STILL SEARCHING FOR THE ONE!!!!! as of now I use Organix Coconut Milk which smells AMAZING. I try Herbal Essences Hello Hydration for my cowash/prepoo mix. I'm doing my best not to be a product junkie :)
12/2/2013 10:20:53 am
I'm still looking for the one. I've tried the Giovanni products, hello hydration, organics,ect. ect.
12/2/2013 12:44:12 pm
Every time I think I have found it, I use the product and get OK results. I'm getting closer...I can feel it.
Tracey D. Lane
12/2/2013 01:28:11 pm
I've tried so many I cant count and I am no closer!~
12/2/2013 02:53:11 pm
I tried about 7 different conditioners before I found the right one for my hair. I use Pantene Pro V for Women of Color and it works wonders for my hair!!!!
Phaedra Norman
12/2/2013 04:54:50 pm
I have used several different conditioners claiming to be all natural and they all leave a heavy residue on my hair. I have used some conditioners claiming to promote growth and that turned up nothing. Due to financial stress I use LeKair Cholesterol which is thick and heavy. Every now and then I use Panteen Pro-V. My hair is colored light blonde and I try to keep it conditioned daily to prevent any breakage
12/2/2013 05:58:16 pm
I have tried so many natural hair conditioners. The lastest I have tried is okay but it is just not hitting the niche I need for my hair. I have naturally curly hair but I am looking for a product that gives me that extra kick and lavish bouncy curls. In the year 2012 I have went through 10 conditioners with different hair product companies.
Josephine Lee
12/2/2013 07:40:48 pm
I am still desperately looking. I spend so much money and I have not found the one yet!!!
Candace Perry
12/2/2013 11:21:21 pm
I've been using Shea Moisture's Raw Shea Butter Restorative Conditioner as a leave-in and Herbal Essence's Hello Hydration Conditioner for co-washing and overall conditioning on wash days. For deep conditioning I use Organic Root Stimulator's conditioning pack. I also use ORS hair fetilizer overnight when my hair and scalp feel extra dry. So far I'm pretty happy with everything, although I've only been transitioning for 3 months. I'm getting a semi-big chop in a couple of days (my hair is already short, so not a significant cut). We'll see if there will be any product changes after I just have the curly texture to deal with.
13/2/2013 09:16:36 am
Just went natural in January, still just using the conditioner I had before.
13/2/2013 01:06:31 pm
I'm still looking for "THE ONE" I make my own conditioner when I can. But I don't always have the time. So I'm looking for something great amazon that amazes me. :) and my hair.
13/2/2013 04:10:40 pm
It took me three times in seven months! I like Paul Mitchell "the conditioner"! I don't like the smell for the first three minutes but it blends well with other products!
14/2/2013 04:19:39 am
Its been almost two years since I went natural and I have tried many many different conditioners. I am consistently using three different ones; one for co-wash (Trader Joe Nourish Spa) and two different ones for leave in (Giovanni Direct Leave-In, Kimmaytube's leave-in or Curly Kinks Satin Roots); I haven't found "the" one yet.
14/2/2013 04:21:35 am
I haven't found "the one" yet. Been natural almost two years and have lately been using three different ones consistently. For my co-was, Trader Joe's Nourish Spa to which I add my oil mix; for my leave-in which I use daily either Kimmaytube's Leave In recipe, Giovanni Direct Leave In or Curly Kinks' Satin Roots.
Heather @ Neno Natural
15/2/2013 01:00:07 am
I now blog about wealth creation - so if you have any money questions meet me there, you can do all sorts of cool things like leave me a voicemail.
By Heather Katsonga-Woodward
I was a natural hair blogger and mixtress living between London & Chicago from 2012 to 2017. I always thought I was 4C but some say 4B; images below - you decide! Heather xx Categories
November 2016