How to Keep Natural Hair Moisturised for 4 to 5 days Without Reapplying a Butter, Pomade or Cream2/2/2013
I discovered this routine quite by accident. My hair was already feeling very dry when I did it.
Product used: Avocado & Honey Twisting Cream by Darcy's Botanicals What I did: I had been finger combing my hair for a month and it was MASSIVELY tangled. Section by section I moisturised using the cream, finger detangled first then detangled further using a wide tooth comb. I sealed the cream in using Neno Natural's Hair Growth Stimulator then I twisted and bantu knot each section. I left the twists in over night. The next day, my hair wasn't well twisted, probably because it was too dry to begin with, so I didn't wear it in a twist out. I undid each plait and loosened the section with water. My hair was plump and soft and for the next four days straight that's what I did each morning to re-soften the hair and improve manageability. I didn't even re-twist before bed. I got some shrinkage but nothing major. Lesson: if you find the right cream and hydrate your hair with it properly you should be able retain the moisture. I found that this technique works a lot better when I twist the hair as soon I moisturise, perhaps the good stuff soaks through overnight making it easier to keep hold of the moisture.
Relaxing before the Christmas festivities
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By Heather Katsonga-Woodward
I was a natural hair blogger and mixtress living between London & Chicago from 2012 to 2017. I always thought I was 4C but some say 4B; images below - you decide! Heather xx Categories
November 2016