If you hair is currently weak, damaged or unhealthy in any other way, this is not the time to be getting braids. Nurse your hair back to health and then go to get braids. Before a salon appointment:
What is the point of all this? You want your hair to be as strong as possible so it can take any trauma; a lot of hairdressers don't take the time to detangle hair gently and will more than likely blow dry the hair prior to plaiting it. All this handling and styling is prime time for your hair to break. ![]()
If you have adequately detangled and blow dried your hair enough to make it easy to plait it will be very easy for you to request that the stylist doesn't blow dry it again. If your hair is matted or tangled you best believe the stylist will insist she needs to blow dry it. I am only just recovering from one such recent hair trauma!
I also have a very sensitive scalp so almost every time I get braids I have bumps around the edges because even a little pulling is too much for my tender skin. When you get to the appointment, remain involved in the process:
I'm full of confidence but I too sometimes feel like I am being too demanding at the salon so I let some transgressions slide without stating my opinion ~ big mistake ~ I know my scalp and I know my hair so I need to communicate the needs of my hair, you do too.
13/9/2013 11:32:28 pm
Hey my sista♥. You have to be sorta kinda demanding but not unrealistic with your stylist...it's your hair and you're paying them. I would hope they would like the fact that you're speaking up instead of sitting there to the end and not like your hair. My daughter(14)braids my hair and she does a wonderful job. Peace.
Heather @ Neno Natural
21/10/2013 08:10:32 pm
17/6/2014 04:17:20 am
im Getting Box Braids this Friday and I'm ALL natural I haven't had hair in my head before im a little scare of losing my hair I have long natural hair so I want to try something New just for the Summer Sorry to hear about your recent hair trauma with your stylist. This is unfortunate! Don't know how well this person was trained in the Industry. Not every Stylist is knowledgeable in styling Natural Curly textured hair. As a Natural Hair Stylist I would recommend that you seek out a trained stylist to deal with your particular texture. I wish you the very best in the future. Please consider products designed for your curly texture such as www.locsuria.ca.
12/12/2014 02:53:10 am
i too have had hair trauma and i am recovering.
1/6/2015 12:14:10 pm
How much natural hair should I hVe after my big chop before I braid
Leah Israel
9/11/2015 03:04:44 pm
Shalom Sisters, I'm natural for 13 months now! I did the "Big Chop" in October of last year! I'm going to get braids now because my hair is long enough now for the ladies to catch it! Comments are closed.
I now blog about wealth creation - so if you have any money questions meet me there, you can do all sorts of cool things like leave me a voicemail.
By Heather Katsonga-Woodward
I was a natural hair blogger and mixtress living between London & Chicago from 2012 to 2017. I always thought I was 4C but some say 4B; images below - you decide! Heather xx Categories
November 2016