![]() First things first, keep in mind that hair thickness is genetically predetermined; this means that you cannot make hair that has always been thin any thicker. Period. If your hair was thick and has started getting thinner, a problem that I myself have had, then here are 8 tips on how to improve your natural hair's thickness? The good news is that there are styles that make naturally thin hair look more volumised. My hair is thin at the very back and medium thickness for most of the rest. At the very top it's above average thickness. Here are some cool things you can do with thin hair. 1. Pin the front up and let the hair fall at the back only rather than having it all loose. Generally pin up styles, partial or complete, help to make hair look fuller 2. Use extensions e.g. marley hair to add volume. The below tutorial shows how quick and easy it can be once you get used to adding braid extensions to your hair. I think the head below is average thickness so don't despair if you're thinking "that's not thin hair". 3. Wear puffs and shrunken afros. Any hairstyles that bring hair together add to the illusion of volume. Puffs are awesome on stretched hair and even hair with shrinkage. Let shrinkage happen. Shrunken hair may look shorter but it also looks very thick. ![]()
18/9/2013 03:43:44 pm
i have a bald spot on the top of my head what can i do
22/10/2013 04:15:01 am
I have purchased a magic wand massager and it is really helping to stimulate growth. I use it about 3 times a week with Jamaican Black Castor Oil
28/1/2015 05:47:57 am
i have read your book love it! My hair is thin and very soft. I what can I do to strengthen it so i can where cute protective styles? or a cute afro puff? Comments are closed.
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By Heather Katsonga-Woodward
I was a natural hair blogger and mixtress living between London & Chicago from 2012 to 2017. I always thought I was 4C but some say 4B; images below - you decide! Heather xx Categories
November 2016