For your body to perform optimally and stay healthy, you need to take in the right nutrients on a daily basis. Just like your body, your hair too needs a daily dose of vital minerals for it to grow properly. Otherwise,your hair will grow dull and, within time, start breaking.
One of the vital, but little talked about, minerals that your hair needs to obtain and remain healthy are magnesium. In this article, we will discuss why magnesium is needed for your hair to grow properly.It also provides tips on how you can incorporate this mineral into your daily life. Lets get started! It Great For Your Body Cells Magnesium comes fourth on the list of most abundant minerals in the body. The mineral is an essential electrolyte responsible for more than 300 biochemical reactions. This naturally occurring substance basically works to help body cells produce and store energy. So, you might be wondering what does that have to do with hair growth. Well, it means that without any magnesium in your body all of your body cells would die. All of the cells in your body including those lining the hair follicles, therefore, need the right supply of magnesium for them to remain healthy. ![]()
It Is Very Nourishing For Your Scalp
Hair loss is a chain reaction that ends with an inflamed scalp. As long as the scalp is healthy then the hair strands attached to it remains healthy. Magnesium is known to detoxify and cleanse the dermis and this also applies to the scalp. It is also very effective in relieving and treating allergic reactions. Keep in mind; some of these reactions have been known to lead to excessive hair loss. By using magnesium oil on your scalp, you are virtually guaranteeing that you are not only nourishing your hair follicles, but also ensuring that your scalp stays healthy. So what can you do to ensure that you get enough magnesium to promote hair growth? Your first course of action should be to incorporate magnesium rich foods in your diet. What type of foods? So, glad you asked.
Eating these foods and other foods rich in magnesium on a daily basis ensures that your body gets a constant supply of this important nutrient. Because cooking and refining lead to magnesium loss, it is always advisable to eat the magnesium rich foods raw whenever possible. ![]()
Another good option would be to apply magnesium oil to your scalp and hair. If you are particularly concerned about your hair due to hair loss, you might want to not only apply magnesium oil to your hair and scalp. Step it up a notch and be sureto eat a magnesium rich diet because it will work great for your hair.
It is worth noting that because your hair is not served by major blood vessels it is highly likely that your hair is not getting enough magnesium. How do you know for sure? Well, if your hairlooks frail, is growing slowly or even greying faster or prematurely, then you might not be getting enough magnesium. Other Health Benefits of Magnesium
If you have always wondered why magnesium is needed for your hair to grow, now you have your answer. It is up to you now to take the right steps and ensure that your hair and bodyget enough magnesium on a daily basis.If you follow this advice, you will enjoy good health and a long and healthy mane as well.
Beatrice Combre
14/5/2016 10:32:32 pm
my problem has worsen since 2007 upon returning back to New Orleans, texture, graying all change and I have been to doctors. No help what so ever. Too old & not wanting to do blood work. I'm fighting it all by myself. I eat a lot of raw veg. take vitamins, exercise, try to get 7 or 8 hrs. of sleep.my hair is thin, dry & gray. All the ladies on your site or young & have beautiful hair. You cut your hair, your young and you know what to do to make your hair grow back thick and long. I'm tired of purchasing products that don't work for my hair. by the way I'm a senior citizen plus when I go out dress I ware a wig or a cap on my head because my hair is so thin and I hate the gray. And by the way when I first saw you on the internet you offer a free ebook and I downloaded it & never got it. Will try again. Thanks
Loris Wilson
4/9/2019 06:13:17 am
Thanks for pointing out the benefits of magnesium on the health of the hair. Hair loss is one of the major cosmetic issues and a person should take suitable initiatives to reduce the rate of hair fall. Deficiency in different types of nutrients including magnesium and hormonal imbalance is solely responsible for the rapid hair loss. So, a person should consult with a hair therapist to reduce the rate of hair loss. For more assistance, visit
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By Heather Katsonga-Woodward
I was a natural hair blogger and mixtress living between London & Chicago from 2012 to 2017. I always thought I was 4C but some say 4B; images below - you decide! Heather xx Categories
November 2016