What is a wash and go?
A wash and go involves washing, conditioning and moisturising hair and leaving your hair as it is without stretching. Wash & Go hair is usually loose Normally, after the washing process you would plait, twist or curl hair in order to stretch it. With a wash and go you cut the stretching stage out. Why would you want to do a wash and go?
What is the disadvantage of a wash and go? Massive shrinkage. By day two I find that my hair has shrunk so much that the styles I can do are very limited. In my opinion, wash and gos last longer on looser curl types (4B, 4A, 3C and lower) as even after a few days the curls are loose enough to achieve a variety of styles which is not the case for my 4C hair. Note that I have looser curls up front and at the back but most of my head is 4C. How can you make a wash and go last longer? Use gel! I find that a good quality gel such as a homemade flaxseed gel makes curls last longer with less shrinkage. That said, by day four you would find that your hair is very shrunken and in need of a shampoo and condition. You might not even be able to just co-wash because of the buildup of the gel. As your hair gets longer you might find that wash and gos don't work as well even on 4B hair or even 4A hair. It all depends... if you haven't tried washing and going, it's definitely worth a try.
18/11/2013 09:22:04 am
i used a gel but it flaked and dry my hair. what type of gel would u recommend? Comments are closed.
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By Heather Katsonga-Woodward
I was a natural hair blogger and mixtress living between London & Chicago from 2012 to 2017. I always thought I was 4C but some say 4B; images below - you decide! Heather xx Categories
November 2016