This recipe is better than the bog standard ACV rinse because it not only loosens curls but it boosts your hair's shininess and it also helps you retain moisture! This is the recipe:
Application Run this mixture through your hair after you've washed and conditioned it. Make sure it's very cool because cold water seals the cuticle layer of hair and boosts hair's shine. You can finish the whole process off by lightly rinsing your hair with clean cold water Don't over-rinse your hair so you don't remove all the good stuff that you just added. Dry with a microfiber towel and style.
24/5/2013 11:23:35 pm
My Hair is Natural I did n t has a Perm in 3year the only thing I want that Real Natural Look
22/6/2013 10:55:36 pm
I am trying to go natural. Ive been coin it for four months now . How can i get all the perm out without cutting it ? Where and how do i start ? help me please.
26/6/2013 10:41:26 am
Relaxers are permanent, that's why some people call them 'perms'. There is no way to reverse a relaxer. You will have to wait for it to grow and trim it away over time. Google "transitioning to natural" and you'll find lots of resources to get you to healthy, natural hair.
Hello, I really did enjoy your blog....I too have a beauty blog where I wrote about unusual beauty tips you can do at home and one in particular is using vinegar in your hair to help boost shine....I also have many other unusual beauty tips that you can check out at http://one-stopbeauty.com Comments are closed.
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By Heather Katsonga-Woodward
I was a natural hair blogger and mixtress living between London & Chicago from 2012 to 2017. I always thought I was 4C but some say 4B; images below - you decide! Heather xx Categories
November 2016