When I decided to go natural, I knew I needed a good, pure oil. After some research jojoba became my oil of choice. Two key factors sold me on jojoba:
a) The fact that jojoba is the only oil whose molecular structure is similar to sebum (the oil that the scalp naturally produces) and b) It has a very long shelf life. The only oils I know to have longer are castor oil and coconut oil.[i] I shouldn’t have really cared about shelf life because as it turns out I go through my bottles pretty rapidly! Jojoba oil is derived from the seeds of evergreen jojoba shrubs (Simmondsia chinensis). It is native to Arizona, California and Mexico. ![]()
It is one of the most nutrient rich and expensive botanical oils. Its benefits to hair include:[ii]
1. It is readily accepted by the scalp and does not mess with the scalp’s natural balance. This is because of its similar molecular structure to sebum (the scalp's natural oil). 2. It is reputed to have antibacterial properties. It soothes the scalp and can be used to treat dry scalp problems and dandruff. 3. It is composed of 98% monounsaturated fats and 2% saturated fats so it can penetrate the hair follicle and strengthen hair fibres from the inside. 4. Jojoba also hydrates hair from the inside of the hair shaft. So it works well as an agent for reducing hygral fatigue (the swelling and shrinking of hair as it it gets wet and dries that can weaken the hair fibre over time). 5. As a conditioner jojoba helps to add shine, elasticity and softness to hair. 6. Jojoba can be used to add volume to thinning hair. It adds volume and body to hair strands thereby giving an appearance of thickness. That said, note that if you have thin hair you can’t convert it to thick hair. That’s genetically predetermined. 7. You can mix jojoba oil with essential oils and massage the mixture into the scalp to stimulate blood flow to the scalp and encourage hair growth. I do this almost daily; jojoba is light and non-greasy. 8. Jojoba is an emollient – it fills in cracks that are on the surface of the hair cuticle, i.e. it helps to repair hair damaged by heat and styling. ![]()
How can you use jojoba?
If you are using a shampoo that strips your hair, add a couple of tablespoons of jojoba oil to it. In this way your hair won’t get sucked (too) dry. Neno Natural’s Hair Growth Stimulator is composed of 50% jojoba and 50% grapeseed oil as the base. Chemical composition:[iii] Very high in monounsaturated fatty acids (98% of total fatty acids); also rich in Vitamin A, Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B6, Vitamin E (very rich in), Myristic Acid (a saturated fatty acid), Plant Wax (similar to sebum). As you’re shopping for your jojoba note that unrefined jojoba is golden (you want this type); refined jojoba is clear and odourless. You might also like: THE best oil for natural hair. A mega summary! The supersonic benefits of argan oil on natural black hair 6 fabulous benefits of avocado oil on natural hair 8 Benefits of Castor oil for natural hair & a warning! 6 top benefits of coconut oil - a MUST for every natural hair regimen! 5 benefits of sweet almond oil on natural hair ![]() ​Get your FREE ebook on How To Grow Long, Healthy Natural Kinky or Curly Hair. References [i] Jojoba oil (wikipedia) [ii] Is jojoba oil good for thinning hair; Jojoba oil for dry hair; thejojobaoil.com; Jojoba benefits [iii] Jojoba carrier oil
Beverly Colar-Credelle
20/1/2014 08:41:26 am
Hi. I am a natural hair salon owner/stylist and Natural Living Advisor. I was researching something and I stumbled upon your site. Loved the video. I learned a few new ties. Keep up the great work. When I get back home I am going to check out your YouTube channel. After seeing this I will probably subscribe. On YouTube I am NativeTouchNatural. 21/5/2015 01:53:50 am
Almonds are found in places like Iran, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, Turkey, Syria, Jordan and Israel. This highly nutritional nut is a rich source of vitamin E, calcium, phosphorous, iron and magnesium.
African Man
23/1/2014 01:40:22 am
The sister sold here soul. I thought she was a real soul sister with the natural hair. She is in bed with enemy. The very same people who are causing most of the chaos in Africa and around the world, Africans are intermarrying with them.
The Apple of HIS EYE
29/11/2014 11:23:05 pm
God place us all here. It's not about race because if it was, the Lord would had made us all one color. There are always going to be people who believe that the races shouldn't mingle with each other. But that is not what Jesus intended it to be.
23/7/2015 01:58:35 pm
Did Christ say, "Love thy neighbor... only if is black.. or white... or hispanic..." Did christ call one race "his children"...he created all of us from the earth in his likeness ... so it really seams that he intended us to "mingle"... as you have worded it above.
16/12/2014 12:34:06 pm
Dude shut the fuck up! You and people with that mind set us what's wrong with people globally . You are no better than the Kkk because you are just as racist , hateful and evil. Smdh
1/2/2015 06:57:10 am
Wha??? I am in shock.
26/2/2015 03:53:07 am
I wonder if you actually live in Africa....Probably not! Really unnecessary comments there.
23/3/2015 09:35:14 am
So true! More and more of our people have become so brainwashed to lay with these devils. It's disgusting. They raped and tortured and disrupted our people and stole their history and everything under the sun yet our people willingly sew seeds with them. Smmfh we are such a lost people
11/4/2015 02:47:08 pm
You need to get some help! Why do two people loving each other anger you so much? He treats her with love, respect, and as an equal, something you wouldn't know about.
31/1/2014 03:28:58 pm
I have just started using it as it was recommended by a friend
5/2/2014 09:45:43 am
I just bought jojoba oil from trader joes this weekend. I was using jbco before mostly for my edges but wanted to have a lighter oil also.
12/4/2014 11:13:26 am
Am trying to grow my edges back want should I do
Dr.Shahid Niaz
21/4/2014 12:28:10 pm
I found it excellent for stopping hair fall and bringing lustre and shine to the hair. it is not sticking and solution for problem hair 1/7/2014 09:41:15 pm
Great tips ! Thanks for sharing this.
1/7/2014 10:00:55 pm
i have just started to use jojoba oil recommended by my mom, i think it stops my hair fall problem.... if any other method you have gys to stop hair fall please mention it in comments... thanks
6/8/2014 03:51:16 am
The Jojoba Oil helps bind the oils in your hair to protect the roots from loosening too much. It will help prevent hair fall. It gives your hair a natural healthy shine and helps with hair growth. Massage a small amount in your scalp everyday and in just one month you will see a huge change in growth and health. It can also be used as a leave in conditioner or styling oil. I also use it for my skin too. I have acne and acne scars. In two weeks I have seen such an improvement, I don't need moisture cream anymore.
11/10/2014 06:56:42 am
Hi, you are beautiful, the scarfs are so pretty too! I am a fan =) 12/10/2014 08:25:03 pm
Quite impressive post because today most of the people are facing hair loss problem and they are searching best cure. I think your post really helpful to those people, thanks for sharing it. 27/10/2014 03:59:28 pm
The forum posting is a unique and interesting 2/11/2014 07:26:56 am
Jojoba oil is excellent for use on the skin and body, for the reason that it's molecularly nearly equivalent to human sebum which is the actual natural oil of your skin. So jojoba oil being so similar to our own sebum, permeates the skin very effectively and absorbs very nicely. It has a pure silky texture to it, just like well-moisturized skin does, apart from it will not block the pores like extremely oily skin can
9/11/2014 02:11:54 am
My daughter, 9 yrs old, has cradle cap/dandruff that comes and goes. However, when it comes it's pretty bad and itches her. I've been researching on products to help her and have heard great things about Jojoba oil and Coconut oil. I came across your website after searching for "Jojoba oil for hair" and am very happy with all the great benefits you have listed for using Jojoba oil as well as everyone's comments. I just ordered some and hope to see great results to help control my daughter's problem. I'd also love for my hair to be thicker and to grow longer. I really hope this oil helps us. Thanks again for all the great information. I will try my best to post back in a few weeks to let everyone know what our outcome are after using it :-)
7/3/2015 04:02:25 am
Hello Justine. My daughter also had that problem. Its an allergic reaction. I tried various products including coconut oil but she still had these terrible dandruff coming on and off. Finally I read a book that informed me that I need not wash my hair with shampoo; that if I run water through my hair daily my hair will hardly get dirty. They also recommended co-washing from time to time. I decided to practice it but not for the sake of my daughters scalp condition. To my amazement she stopped having the cradle cap syndrome (I've forgotten what its called medically). Her hair began to grow healthily. Currently she still uses coconut oil. All I do is now is weekly condition her hair and seal it with coconut oil (now mixed with jojoba oil) l also daily spray water on her hair and seal it with coconut oil (now mixed with jojoba oil). Her hair is as healthy as ever. Try staying away from the shampoo and hydrate her scalp. Its a dry skin condition. I hope you find this helpful. Gos bless you and yours. By the way my daughter will be 8 in June. hey guys, if you are Nigerian and natural and thinking of relocating back home, contact tresses & body organics for your organic skin and hair care products. We stock all sulfate and soduim free products for natural hair women . +2348183412877, tressesandbodyorganics.wordpress.com 12/5/2015 03:27:05 pm
Jojoba oil is also a natural conditioner since it contains moisturizing properties. If you have very rough hair, try using jojoba oil to achieve smoother and healthier hair. Jojoba oil has a number of skin benefits too. It is very commonly used organic ingredient in many beauty products, like skin lotions. It is full of various organic and mineral elements that can provide you with naturally groomed and glowing skin. 12/7/2015 08:25:38 pm
Aloka singha
18/8/2015 03:36:44 pm
How to use please clearly(hair) 11/9/2015 03:09:52 am
Jojoba has really very benefits for hair and skin. its a natural oil with organic properties for good health benefits. This post is really informative for every age of people. Thanks for sharing it.
11/9/2015 01:42:49 pm
My daughter is mixed race (black/white) her hair is more course would a deep conditioner with jojoba oil be beneficial for her hair? Also, would she be too young? She's almost four with mid back length (again course) hair. TIA!
12/11/2015 12:07:11 am
lol @ how non scientific this is, guarantee any effects you get from jojoba are placebo Comments are closed.
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By Heather Katsonga-Woodward
I was a natural hair blogger and mixtress living between London & Chicago from 2012 to 2017. I always thought I was 4C but some say 4B; images below - you decide! Heather xx Categories
November 2016