![]() Overall, glycerine is great when applied to natural hair and can provide many benefits. However, there is one key fact you should remember when you use glycerine and two relatively minor ones. Key disadvantage Glycerine is affected by weather conditions especially heat and humidity so the results you get in summer may be different to those achieved during winter. It is better to use glycerine when it is normal to mildly humid and when the temperature is quite warm not hot. This is because when the weather is very dry there isn't enough water in the general environment for the glycerin in your hair to attract; it might compensate for this by actually taking much needed moisture out of your hair and therefore drying it out! If it is very humid, glycerine might attract so much water to your hair causing it to frizz! Other disadvantages
Those are the key disadvantages of glycerine for hair application. Overall, keep in mind that spring and autumn are good months for glycerine, the heights of summer and winter are not. ![]() Get your FREE ebook on How To Grow Long, Healthy Natural Kinky or Curly Hair. Ref. blackgirllonghair You might also like: What Is Glycerine? Why's It Good For Natural Hair?
25/4/2013 11:34:26 pm
Hi Heather, can the same be said for honey (as a humectant) being used in winter months. Does it also have a drying effect? In fact would this go for all humectants? What do you think?
Heather @ Neno Natural
2/6/2013 07:43:04 pm
That is a very smart question Lindi. I have failed to find any reference to other humectants drying hair out if that is the only source of moisture.
3/1/2014 08:11:28 pm
I dont think so because glycerine is actually glycerol that is alcohol made by fatty acid but honey is fructose which is a sugar...
Wanda (Sammie)
10/5/2013 10:47:11 pm
I use this product and love how it makes my hair feel, great moisture! However, about the way down affect because have thin 4c or b hair and I would like to wear it out more being that summer is coming, what do you advise in hair care. How we can take care of our 4 type hair, what is the best regime one could or should follow to maintain healthy moist hair?
Heather @ Neno Natural
11/5/2013 04:29:34 am
Hi Wanda
22/6/2013 10:51:16 am
So what products,besides KinkyCurly, can you use in summer. I got an amazing catastrophic mess last summer trying to do a twistout with Qhemet's Burdock or AOHC. Total frizz in about 2 minutes !!
Mrs Asif
17/8/2014 04:00:29 pm
Hi...kindly tell me some tips about my baby girl hair becz her hair is very thin and rough.she is only two years and eight month.plzz rply soon.. Comments are closed.
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By Heather Katsonga-Woodward
I was a natural hair blogger and mixtress living between London & Chicago from 2012 to 2017. I always thought I was 4C but some say 4B; images below - you decide! Heather xx Categories
November 2016