All entries will be entered into a draw to win this Passionate Purple scarf.
What is the most detangling product you have ever used? Tell us the name in the comments section. It can be a conditioner or an actual detangler. Feel free to add other details. Don't forget to include your email address to the comment as that will be used to contact you if you win the scarf. Your email won't be shared or added to any new email lists. Other competitions:
23/9/2013 08:37:18 am
The most detangling product I've every used was Herbal Essences Hello Hydration. It was both moisturizing and had an incredible amount of slip to it. I've never had problems whether I've used a comb, my fingers, denman brush, or the tangle teezer. It is my favorite thing to use when I'm taking out a long term protective style or just my once a week detangling session.
24/9/2013 04:55:50 am
I used to love this. I started noticing my curls were disappearing and hair was getting straight. then I realized it had sodium hydroxide and after hearing other naturals take on this ingredient, I immediately stoped using and checked all my products. glad you are having good luck with it.
26/9/2013 10:03:23 am
The best detangling product for me is water, conditioner, and my fingers.
24/9/2013 04:15:02 am
I use Trader Joe's Nourish Spa Balance Moisturizing Conditioner - Cruelty Free. I can easily finger through tangles after immediate application of the conditioner. And it is only $2.99 at my local Trader Joe's.
24/9/2013 04:20:01 am
The best detangler is mane n tail detangler. Wet or dry hair it does the job. Also for what I use one daughter hair
Fediben Gal
29/9/2013 07:44:39 am
Does this work on black hair. I was in the hair shop and an asian man was recommending it to me but I was a bit sceptical.
Kamesha Ross
24/9/2013 04:23:30 am
The most detangling product I've ever used is TRESemmé Naturals Conditioner with aloe vera and avocado. I think I tend to use a lot because it smells amazing and it makes detangling my hair so easy. I use it in my pre-poo detangling process (along with coconut and olive oil) and then use it after I shampoo as my conditioner. I also use it to remove those awful knots at the ends of my hair. It unravels them and they slip right out. So I go through a TON of this stuff in one wash alone. Sometimes I don't even like to wash all of it out because I want to hold onto the smell!!
24/9/2013 04:31:57 am
I'm form the Bahamas and it was very hard for me to find natural products at the beginning of my hair journey but I eventually found some places:)The most detangling product I have ever used is Karen's Body Beautiful Hair Nectar Leave In Conditioner in the pomegranate guava scent I will I admit I am a product junkie now as well lol but thus far I really like this product its very light it has a great slip and it smells really good I also like that you can use it before applying heat to your hair.
24/9/2013 04:34:50 am
Sorry I'm posting this again not to sure if I put my email in the first time:)
Tajuana mack
24/9/2013 04:56:51 am
I use Argan oil and Shea moisturizers to detangle my hair.
Angela Stewart
24/9/2013 05:11:00 am
The best conditioner by far is palmer's coconut conditioner. Place a plastic cap over your hair for45 mins.. Soft hair and easy to manage.
24/9/2013 05:15:20 am
I am kind of weird. I usually start my wash day by pre pooing with coconut oil for 15 min and then I put and cheap conditioner I could afford on my hair with the pre poo for and additional 2 hours. After the 2 hours, I take down my protective style or section my hair into 4 or 6 sections and finger detangle or use my trusty ol denman brush. Then I rinse and do a bentonite clay mud wash on my hair to deeply clean my hair and pores to clarify. Afterwards I deep condition with Miss Jessies sweet beck treatment overnight with my hair in loose twists. I rinse the following day and do my loc method and retwist or wear my hair in my beautiful fro. No combs needed jus as is best and simple.
24/9/2013 05:17:23 am
Kids organics detangler
24/9/2013 05:22:17 am
TAHIA Walaid (spelling) decanter & leave in conditioner. moisturiser also.
Mandy Miller
24/9/2013 05:24:10 am
Without a doubt for me the best is pure & simple VEGETABLE GLYCERIN (in a spray bottle, 4:1 water/glycerine. I threw out everythig else in my cupboard after using this! My hair stays moist for days!
24/9/2013 06:48:35 am
Hello....what type of hair do you have? My is very kinky, course and dry..I wanna try it just to see what my hair does. Do mix it w/anything?
25/9/2013 11:58:32 pm
When I read this post , I was like how could I forget about the glycerin . Now foods Brand is simply excellent. Mixed with oil water and conditioner. Beastie. :')
24/9/2013 05:29:06 am
I detangle with Giovanni Direct Leave In conditioner
Teresa Foster
24/9/2013 05:29:52 am
The best derange/conditioner is TREsemme Naturals conditioner with aloe & avacado. The smell is delicious & the slip is amaze-balls !!! One of my product staples!
24/9/2013 06:08:08 am
My favourite detangler. Sorry I am a bit torn between taliah waajid protective mist bodifier and taliah waajid the great detangler. Both works wonders on wet or dry hair But....the moisturiser in the great detangler tends to wear out quickly. So if I had to choose one I would choose the protective mist bodifier. But....they are both great.
24/9/2013 06:12:52 am
Any conditioner that provides good slip is good enough for me. Right now, I'm using Tresemme Naturals.
24/9/2013 06:16:57 am
Best detangle product ever used is Taliah Waajid the great detangler. Great stuff
24/9/2013 08:28:56 am
24/9/2013 06:32:15 am
Desert Essence Coconut conditioner!!! Soooo much slip. 24/9/2013 06:33:50 am
Hi I am newly natural. Just big chopped July 28. So far I use tresemme' naturals to finger detangle
24/9/2013 06:41:28 am
I use Tresemme Naturals. I love it!
Rashelle Rowe
24/9/2013 06:50:25 am
My natural journey began 3 months ago and I love Kinky Curly detangler/leave-in
Felicia Blanton
24/9/2013 07:06:17 am
The best detangler I have Ever used is Tresseme Naturals. It provides excellent slip! I use it is the shower before I condition my hair.
LaTanya Lawson
24/9/2013 07:15:06 am
The one product I've used that's best as a detangler has to be Kinky Curly's Knot Today
LaTanya Lawson
4/10/2013 03:07:01 pm
caiidynsmommie (at)gmail (dot)com
24/9/2013 07:26:00 am
Mine is Philip Kingsley pre-shampoo elasticiser.
24/9/2013 07:47:15 am
The best product I've used is Tresemme.
24/9/2013 08:30:56 am
I use Tresemme Naturals overnite!
24/9/2013 08:40:54 am
I use tresemme natural conditioner as the detangler--works like magic! ! 24/9/2013 08:57:39 am
Hands down Eden Body Woks coconut Shea leave-in my curls go to clapping as they fall into place.
24/9/2013 08:58:20 am
The best product I've used is Kids Organic Shea Butter with extra virgin olive oil detangler
24/9/2013 10:16:18 am
I would have to name a few i use for my dry detangled hair...my favorite is Cantu Shea butter, my second is Slip curly hair solutions, and Tresseme which isn't a leave in but when I use it i leave it in cause it works well for my hair. Last, Joico conditioner. Plus i mix together carrot oil, avocado oil, and olive oil. I buy my oils from an African wholesaler here in CA. All are also good moisturisers too.These conditioners and the Shea butter can be found at Walmart or Walgreens, which is cheaper then buying at beauty supplies. Hope this info was helpful
24/9/2013 10:32:53 am
The most detangling product I use is Suave Naturals conditioner with Shea Butter. I've tried other conditioners but this one seems to work best with my 4b/4c hair types
24/9/2013 11:11:21 am
My favorite detangle would have to be water, aloe vera gel and cantu shea butter leave in. Makes my hair so easy to detangle.
24/9/2013 11:44:12 am
For Detangling – Avocados, olive oil, shea butter, and apple cider vinegar
24/9/2013 12:03:26 pm
I use the aussie 3 minute conditioner to detangle. I just put it on, let it sit with our without my heat cap for about 10-15 min then go to it. I got the tip from Melshary on youtube and its always worked for me.
Shawnta Brown
24/9/2013 12:48:23 pm
the Hawaiian silky gel activator for me is hands down the best detangler. I use it as a moisturizer so all I do is spritz the hair and detangling is easy and speedy. 24/9/2013 01:03:08 pm
I have been transitioning for 10 months, I like to use vatika coconut/amla oil on dry hair to detangle. I will use a plastic cap for about 35-45 mins. On wet hair I will use aussie conditioner or mane and tail.
24/9/2013 01:59:17 pm
The most detangling product ever is a mixture of coconut oil, water, and Elasta QP's Olive Oil & Mango Butter Leave-In Conditioner. The slip is simply amazing! The scent is orgasmic. I have 4c hair & my hair tangles quite easily but when I played around with some things, I found out that this mixture works wonders for my hair. My hair does not shed as much & it takes way less time to detangle my hair.
24/9/2013 04:18:28 pm
TRESemmé Naturals Conditioner with coconut oil is the best for me
24/9/2013 07:16:51 pm
The best detangling product for me is is a mixture of warm extra virgin olive oil, followed by Inecto Coconut conditioner for those stubborn knots!
24/9/2013 11:07:46 pm
Tresemme Flawless Curls
25/9/2013 12:10:55 am
Water Helps The Most When DetanglIng My hair
Ezra Walker
25/9/2013 12:16:32 am
The best detangling product I've ever used and still use is Jane Carter solution revitalizing leave-in conditioner! I absolutely LOVE that stuff! I also use it on my 2yr old daughters hair. No crying during wash time for us! It's great because after I wash my hair I follow up with the leave-in and add my moisturizers(Shea Moisture hair milk) and my EVOO. Then I follow up with my two strand twists. My hair feels so soft and not heavy with greasy products.
Heather Katsonga-Woodward
1/10/2013 08:54:40 am
Big congratulations to Ezra Walker, the winner of the passionate purple scarf!
Ezra Walker
1/10/2013 11:29:17 am
Thank you so much Mrs. Heather!!! I'm going to LOVE this scarf!!
Heather @ Neno Natural again
1/10/2013 01:25:35 pm
Hi Ezra,
Marjorie Joseph
25/9/2013 12:43:50 am
Well it depends on if I'm shampooing or cowashing. I'll use Giovanni tea tree conditioner to detangle before shampooing. I'll use hello hydration or As I Am Coconut cowash to detangle and cleanse.
25/9/2013 02:04:19 am
I use Trader Joe's Nourish Spa Conditioner and it works great! I love how it melts through the hair and before you know, all the hair is tangle free! Yay :) 25/9/2013 02:10:02 am
My homemade, organic detangler spray I make for my 4a hair is water, organic aloe vera, glycerin and lavender essential oil. Works like a charm!
Lee Smith
25/9/2013 02:42:38 am
I really love Aunt Jackie's KNOT ON MY WATCH. Just spray a little on, and the tangles and knots work themselves out. Don't have to do anything but comb through, and I have 4C hair.
Crystal Price Moncrief
25/9/2013 04:10:23 am
I use Trader Joe's Nourish Spa Conditioner to detangle. I also use Hawaiian silky gel activator.
25/9/2013 04:20:51 am
Wein by Chaz
Josephine Odion
25/9/2013 07:14:34 am
Hello! I've tried a lot of products but my staple for detangling my 1 year 7 month old 4c hair has been my conditioner, specifically any of the VO5 conditioners will do the trick. Right now, I'm using VO5 Moisture Milk Champagne Kiss, if I let it sit in for a few minutes in damp hair after shampooing with any VO5 shampoo (I love all their products), and detangling, whether with a wide tooth comb or my fingers, is a charm. I love the fact they're so... affordable. The only thing is, one bottle doesn't last me over a month, but I don't mind. :-) I love your blog and e book.
25/9/2013 09:42:26 am
The best detangling products I use is Pantene for natural co-wash and shea moisture. I can finger comb my hair with no problem with both of these products. Been natural for a year.
25/9/2013 02:07:40 pm
Kinky kurly leave-in works the best for me
25/9/2013 11:21:02 pm
I've had great success with As I Am Coconut CoWash. Finger detangling is so much easier when using this product. I appreciate opportunities like this... everyone's suggestions are great.
25/9/2013 11:54:30 pm
I used to love little ones Detangler that they sell in Kmart but since then I learned to make my own with conditioner water and oil . I put it in a spray bottle and I am good to go. 26/9/2013 02:23:22 am
I use Herbal Essence hello hydration it works awesome and has great slip . My hair feels so soft afterwards.
27/9/2013 05:05:44 am
Water, Cantu Shea Butter leave-in, castor oil (I use whatever store brand I see when I need to re-stock), olive oil, and a few drops each of lemon, sage and jasmine essential oils. Works wonders on my 4b hair, as well as on my daughter's 4c hair and my son's 3c hair! Works great whether hair is wet or dry.
27/9/2013 08:06:24 am
aloe vera
Rochelle Serrell
27/9/2013 09:51:52 pm
The best detangle for me is Luv Naturals "Don't Be Clingy". I just used this and water after a week of not detangling my hair and the shed hair instantly fell out. I'm going over to her website now to order more! I just wish it came in a bigger size
Arleen Pinkston
30/9/2013 03:21:45 pm
Hello Hydrations by Clairol. It's cheap, but good.
Marquita Johnson
30/9/2013 03:27:06 pm
I LOVE everything Shea Moisture. To detangle I use warm water in a spray bottle and Coconut/Hibiscus Shea Moisture Curl Milk. Primarily use my fingers to comb/detangle my 4c hair.
30/9/2013 07:32:59 pm
My favorite conditioner right now is a toss up between Mane and tail and Miss Jesse's! They both are WONDERFUL products! They are great on the budget and WONDERFUL on my hair! You do not need allot of either to get the job done and they smell great!
Alesha Nesbeth
30/9/2013 08:05:58 pm
I used to use Hello Hydration by Herbal Essences as a detangler but I am now using Eden's Coconut Oil Leave In Conditioner
1/10/2013 03:37:15 am
I some times detangle before washing and at this point I use a whipped mixture of shea butter and oil. After washing my hair or co-washing I detangle using tresemme naturals
Stephania Washington
4/10/2013 11:42:02 am
16/10/2013 10:07:29 am
I've used my conditioner.I love this website,It's so helpful. Comments are closed.
I now blog about wealth creation - so if you have any money questions meet me there, you can do all sorts of cool things like leave me a voicemail.
By Heather Katsonga-Woodward
I was a natural hair blogger and mixtress living between London & Chicago from 2012 to 2017. I always thought I was 4C but some say 4B; images below - you decide! Heather xx Categories
November 2016