This is one area of hair management where everyone seems to have a strong opinion. Personally, my opinion is a little more tempered because I believe everyone is the queen of their own kink, curls and coils; once you've tried a few things, you'll know what your hair will accept and what it will not.
To comb or not to comb? I comb weekly during my deep condition using a Neno Natural wide-tooth comb. A wide-tooth comb is much gentler on hair and the Neno Natural wide-tooth comb is specifically designed not to snag and break hair. How to Comb? Before combing hair it's always best to dampen it and add a little detangler or moisturiser or conditioner. This is called plasticizing the hair. Combing dry brittle hair leads to more snagging than necessary. I finger comb and detangle first starting at the tips. If you effectively detangle the tips first you meet less resistance higher up and hence less hair breakage. ![]()
Why not just finger comb and abandon combs all-together?
I tried that for about the month and my hair was the most tangled it has ever been and it start looking very unhealthy. The thinner your hair or looser your curls are, the easier it is to stop combing but mine is just too thick and compact for a no-comb regime. How about the denman brush? I've used it once in over two years of being natural and I thought it was okay. I didn't get massive breakage but I did have more hair on the brush than normal. It was at the end of that no-comb month that I used the denman brush so it may well have just been shed hairs that had not been properly released. Where can you get a set of our awesome detangling wide-tooth combs? Amazon or NenoNatural.com. Each pack contains three combs: one green, one pink, one blue; just as in the picture above. You'll love it.
18/4/2014 05:26:22 am
I comb my hair daily. I don't like how it looks and feels un-combed. I brush my hair as needed for style or general look. I have no breakage and only shed hair in the comb. So for me daily works.
19/11/2014 05:40:20 am
I actually use a paddle brush now! If I'm gentle (and I always try to be gentle) there's not a lot of hair left in the brush per section. I only use it when I'm washing/cowashing my hair and tend to finger detangle for every other thing (like styling). But I really like that a paddle brush has spread bristles that aren't arranged in a straight row (like with combs or denmans) I feel it gets through my hair more easily. Comments are closed.
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By Heather Katsonga-Woodward
I was a natural hair blogger and mixtress living between London & Chicago from 2012 to 2017. I always thought I was 4C but some say 4B; images below - you decide! Heather xx Categories
November 2016