1. What's your name and where are you from?
My name is Azelia Lang and I'm from St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands. 2. What is your hair type? My hair type is mostly 3c but 4a in the middle of my head.
3. When did you go natural and what made you do it?
I went natural in 2012. After my last perm in January 2012, I fell in love with the texture of my new growth and decided that I was not gonna perm it again. 4. What was the most challenging thing about going natural? To me, the most challenging thing about going natural is learning your hair and getting used to it. It takes time and a lot of patience to create a regimen and stick with it, find what products work for you, what styles look good on you, how to do them, and 5. What is your weekly regimen? Every Sunday is wash day for me. I will co-wash and after I will deep condition for about 30 min to 1 hour. On top of my deep conditioner I will add oil to seal in the moisture. After washing out my deep conditioner, I will towel dry my hair with a micro-fiber towel. After towel drying, I apply my leave-in, then my moisturizer, and an oil to seal in the moisture again and give some shine. I wash my hair with shampoo like once or twice a month. 6. What is your daily morning regimen? I normally wear my hair curly. I will get up in the morning and spray my hair with my water and conditioner mix, then apply my leave in, moisturizer and oil. I will then style my hair. 7. What is your daily night time regimen? In the night time I will put my hair up in a pineapple and put on my scarf or bonnet. 8. Do you use heat on your hair at all? When doing my wash n go's, I do diffuse and stretch my curls with a blow dryer on warm low heat after air drying. Other than that, I do not use heat at all. I only flat iron my hair once or twice a year just to see how much it grew.
9. Do you braid your hair? If so, how often do you do so in a year? No I do not braid my hair. 10. Wide-tooth comb or Denman brush? When styling, I use a wide-tooth comb to detangle first and then I use my denman brush to smooth. When doing my wash and go's I use neither. I just finger detangle. 11. Is your hair normally loose or in a protective-do? My hair is normally loose in a wash n go. I also do alot of twists outs, braid outs, and flexi rod sets. 12. Have you ever had a hair tragedy? What was it? How did you recover from it? I never did a big chop. So of course, I transitioned. My first year of going natural was rough. I didn't know how to make my natural hair blend with my relaxed hair so I was constantly flat ironing my hair and wearing it straight. I eventually got severe heat damage. The whole right side of my hair was broken off at the front. My hair in that area was about 3 inches long. I got highlights a couple of months after my last relaxer, so I believe that also played part in my breakage. After a whole year of flat ironing my hair and watching it break off more and more, I decided to completely stop using heat on my hair. I began doing natural hair styles in June 2013 and saw a major difference in the overall health of my hair. I kept on clipping my ends about every 2 months until all of the heat damage and relaxed hair was gone. I always tell people that the first year of my natural hair journey was like a waste because all of my hair was damaged and my curl pattern was completely ruined. So technically I went natural in June of 2013 when I put away the heat. Now I only use heat on my hair about twice a year, and when I do I make sure I use a heat protectant. If I had to do it all over again I would definitely big chop. Everyone is different but I think transitioning can be really stressful. 13. What's your biggest tip for maintaining healthy or long hair? Keep your hair moisturized, stay away from styles that pull or put stress on your edges, stay away from too much heat, and be patient. It doesn't happen overnight. Do not try to change your texture. Embrace your kinks and curls. For beginners, going natural can be a tad bit stressful but do not give up. You will eventually fall in love with your natural hair. Learn your hair, love your hair, and watch it flourish! :-) 14. Where can we find you online? (blog, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube etc).
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