1. What's your name and where are you from?
My name is Yasmine Saibou am I am from Benin, West Africa and currently reside in Washignton, DC. 2. What is your hair type? I have 4c hair
3. When did you go natural and what made you do it?
I went natural in October 2013. My reason for doing so was because I realized the harmful effect of chemical processing and I also became more comfortable with myself. 4. What was the most challenging thing about going natural? I consider myself to still be in the “grow out stage”, my challenge is getting it to grow out longer and being patient. 5. What is your weekly regimen? My regimen differs depending on how my hair is styled but I usually wash and deep condition once a week and flat wist or two stand twist it, if I do not have braided extensions. 6. What is your daily morning regimen? I have a fairly dry scalp so I use castor oil or other essential oil blends to moisten my scalp and use a qredew steamer to add moisture if my hair feel dry and brittle. 7. What is your daily night time regimen? I always sleep with a satin scarf or bonnet, if my hair is out then I also do several twist to maintain a stretched length. . 8. Do you use heat on your hair at all? I have stopped regular blow-drying and started steaming my hair and air drying. I use a sit under dryer if I am doing a permrod set.
9. Do you braid your hair? If so, how often do you do so in a year? I used to braid my hair pretty often, usually about 6-8 times a year. But now I aim for no more than 4 times a year. 10. Wide-tooth comb or Denman brush? Wide tooth comb 11. Is your hair normally loose or in a protective-do? My hair spends more time in protective styles than loose because I am still learning to love and manage my texture 12. Have you ever had a hair tragedy? What was it? How did you recover from it? Me biggest hair tragedy was when I had a quick weave done my freshmen year of college. There was so much glue in my hair! I didnt know how to properly take the weave out so I just started pulling it out and cause much damage. that was the point where I realized that I needed to go natural but it still took me a few years after that to actually start. 13. What's your biggest tip for maintaining healthy or long hair? Never be afraid of cutting, it will grow back, especially in reference to split ends. 14. Where can we find you online? (blog, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube etc).
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1. What's your name and where are you from?
My name is April (Curlychaotic), and I'm from New York. 2. What is your hair type? I'm not much into the hair typing, but I believe I'm a 3B and 3C.
3. When did you go natural and what made you do it?
Thanksgiving of 2014 was when I did my Big Chop. I just wanted a change with my hair since I always loved curly hair. 4. What was the most challenging thing about going natural? I always had long hair so I didn't know where to start. Also I wasn't comfortable in my skin. I felt lost at first. 5. What is your weekly regimen? I usually have a protective style, mainly braids or twists. I may take them out throughout the week. Weekends is when I wash my hair. 6. What is your daily morning regimen? Refresh whatever style I have. 7. What is your daily night time regimen? Protecting my hair with a satin bonnet, scarf, or pillowcase. 8. Do you use heat on your hair at all? Not since I did my big chop shockingly!
9. Do you braid your hair? If so, how often do you do so in a year? Yes. I do alot of braid outs, or mini box braids. 10. Wide-tooth comb or Denman brush? Both. 11. Is your hair normally loose or in a protective-do? Lately protective do's since I spend most of my time at home. 12. Have you ever had a hair tragedy? What was it? How did you recover from it? Aside from failed hairstyles I attempted, no. I recovered from it by trial & error, and lots of practice! 13. What's your biggest tip for maintaining healthy or long hair? For me, a clean scalp, moisturized hair and low manipulation styles. 14. Where can we find you online? (blog, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube etc).
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1. What's your name and where are you from?
My name is Korryn Johnson and I am from the Inland Empire, California. 2. What is your hair type? My hair type is 3b, 3c, and 4a.
3. When did you go natural and what made you do it?
One day in class I was sitting behind this girl who had beautiful curls and I started to wonder where I can buy some weave like that. After not being able to find any extensions that mimicked her hair, I started to remember that my hair used to be curly like that until I heat damaged it. A month later I made my appointment for my big chop on October 25, 2014. 4. What was the most challenging thing about going natural? The most challenging thing about going natural was having to hear everyone's rude comments. Returning natural has taught me how to have thick skin. 5. What is your weekly regimen? Every weekend I shampoo, co-wash, deep condition, and sometimes I do a hot oil treatment. 6. What is your daily morning regimen? I take down my mini pineapples and just fluff it out. 7. What is your daily night time regimen? I put my hair into 5 mini pineapples. 8. Do you use heat on your hair at all? The only time I use heat on my hair is when I'm using my diffuser or sitting under my hooded dryer. Even then, the heat is still on low.
9. Do you braid your hair? If so, how often do you do so in a year? The only time I braid my hair is when I get box braids and that's not very often. 10. Wide-tooth comb or Denman brush? Denman brush. 11. Is your hair normally loose or in a protective-do? My hair is normally loose. 12. Have you ever had a hair tragedy? What was it? How did you recover from it? Well I wouldn't exactly say it was a tragedy but it was kind of bad. I was trimming my hair and when I finished, I noticed I cut too much off the front. The back was still long, the middle was medium length, and the top was short and it looked so ugly! Then I started to work with it and it turns out that it looks perfect in an Afro! 13. What's your biggest tip for maintaining healthy or long hair? Don't use a flat iron so often (or at all), keep a consistent regimen, and always keep your hair moisturized & trimmed! 14. Where can we find you online? (blog, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube etc).
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1. What's your name and where are you from?
My name is Whitley Shannon and I am from Mississippi, but I reside in North Carolina. 2. What is your hair type? I have normal porosity, coarse hair. It is very thick! It is also multi-textured, mostly 4a/b.
3. When did you go natural and what made you do it?
I received my last perm on July 27, 2012, and I transitioned for 17 months. I became 100% natural on December 12, 2013. I had previously always had good experiences with relaxers. My hair was always long and healthy. That was until I decided to add color into the mix. I made the mistake of getting my hair colored and then relaxed without washing it during the two weeks in between. So it was like perming freshly colored hair! My hair started to fall out and I was devastated. When my hair started falling out, I had decided I was going to let my hair grow out and then start back getting relaxers. But then I started falling in love with my natural curl pattern and it's thickness. Not to mention I had always had a love for big curly hair so this was my chance to finally have it! 4. What was the most challenging thing about going natural? The most challenging thing was trying not to lust after, idolize and wish I had a different curl pattern. 5. What is your weekly regimen? I honestly do not have a set regimen. I try to wash my hair at least once a week, and I tend to mix up my product use. But whenever I do wash my hair I always use shampoo. I follow that up with a washout conditioner and I detangle my hair with a wide tooth comb while it is in my hair. I also try to deep condition my hair after every wash. I moisturize with water, a moisturizer, and seal with oil whenever needed. 6. What is your daily morning regimen? My morning regimen will vary depending on how I styled my hair after wash day. Majority of the time it's a twistout. On these mornings I simply take down the bands in my hair, fluff, and out the door I go. If I have a wash and go then I will stretch and shape it with a blow dryer. 7. What is your daily night time regimen? If my hair is in a twistout, I crisscross band my hair in about 6 sections to maintain the definition and length. I sleep on a satin pillowcase and that makes everything so much easier so I just go to sleep with any other style with no worry. 8. Do you use heat on your hair at all? The only time I use heat is when I am deep conditioning my hair under a hair dryer and stretching my wash and go with a blow dryer. I may flat iron my my hair once a year just to check the length.
9. Do you braid your hair? If so, how often do you do so in a year? I braid my hair when I am trying to stretch it or do a braid out which is very seldom. 10. Wide-tooth comb or Denman brush? Ride or die wide-tooth comb user! 11. Is your hair normally loose or in a protective-do? Loose! I don't like hiding my hair if I don't have to. 12. Have you ever had a hair tragedy? What was it? How did you recover from it? My only hair tragedy occurred when I had a relaxer that I previously mentioned. I recovered by going natural. That was an awesome recovery! 13. What's your biggest tip for maintaining healthy or long hair? Find out what works best for your hair. Keep it moisturized. Have patience and enjoy the journey! 14. Where can we find you online? (blog, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube etc).
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1. What's your name and where are you from?
My name is Gifty. I was born in Germany, where I live at the moment, but I’m originally from Accra, Ghana. 2. What is your hair type? My hair type is 4C.
3. When did you go natural and what made you do it?
I lived in Ghana throughout my teenage years and wore my hair natural during my school days. I started using a relaxer when I was about 20 years old and finally stopped it in January 2014. Two months later, (March 2014) I had my “Big Chop”. I took this decision because, my hair didn’t look healthy, my edges were always short, and I couldn’t stop but wonder, why on earth I kept spending so much time and money, on fake hair instead of my real hair all these years. Secondly, I was motivated by my younger sister, who went natural a year before I did. And thirdly, which is my main reason, well, after hitting the age 30, I have learned to appreciate myself. Going natural, was part of the process. I got so sick and tired of chasing a kind of “beauty” just to feel accepted or to meet a certain “standard”. Now I know, I don’t have to proof anything to anybody. 4. What was the most challenging thing about going natural?
5. What is your weekly regimen? I wash my hair once a week. I put it into a protective style, three strand braids, twists, two big cornrows, African threading or simply an afro. 6. What is your daily morning regimen? I’m really concerned about my edges, so I spray them every morning with water and apply my sheabutter mix to seal the moisture. 7. What is your daily night time regimen? If my hair is in a protective style, I spray it with water, then I apply my sheabutter mix to my edges and a small amount through my hair. If my hair was in an afro during the day, I do the same procedure, and put them into braids, before I go to bed. I use a satin pillow, so I don’t wear a scarf. 8. Do you use heat on your hair at all? No, I don’t use heat on my hair.
9. Do you braid your hair? If so, how often do you do so in a year? No, but I’m planning to integrate that into my regimen. 10. Wide-tooth comb or Denman brush? Definitely a wide-tooth comb. 11. Is your hair normally loose or in a protective-do? I would say 50/50, because I like wearing scarfs and hats when my hair is loose. 12. Have you ever had a hair tragedy? What was it? How did you recover from it? Oh yes! LOL About three months prior to my wedding, I woke up one morning and realised my edges were gone(LOL). I was in shock! And although this seemed to be a gradual process, it didn’t really occur to me that I was losing my hair. No one ever told me this is normal after child birth. I’ve heard about post partum shedding, but I was so naive to think that, that was not something that runs in my family (I really have to laugh about my ignorance) since this is a natural process based on our hormones, to which many women can relate. Ever since I went natural, my dream has always been to get married, wearing my natural hair in a nice updo. So here I was, with my broken dream whiles time was running. When I finally got over my shock. I wanted to at least, do something that will promote hair growth and retention of my edges. So that’s where I decided to have a hair routine, and be serious about it. Plus this time, I made a sheabutter mix with natural ingredients like oils that were unrefined. I applied it day and night, to my edges religiously, but also, when doing my protective styles. Making sure they were not tight. To my surprise, my edges grew back gradually. And at my wedding, I was able to wear my hair in an updo, without anyone realising that, I had struggled with my edges months before. 13. What's your biggest tip for maintaining healthy or long hair? I don’t comb my hair when it is wet, neither do I comb it when it is dry, I only comb my hair when it’s dump or well moisturized. Because that’s when it’s in its strongest state. 14. Where can we find you online? (blog, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube etc).
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1. What's your name and where are you from?
Stephanie and I am from NY 2. What is your hair type? 3C/4A/4B
3. When did you go natural and what made you do it?
I wore my hair curly one day and my husband (then boyfriend) loved it. A diagnosis of Lupus in 2010 then made me commit to going back to natural hair. 4. What was the most challenging thing about going natural? I did not big chop, I transitioned. My hair type changed from 3B to 3C/4A/4B after pregnancy. Finding the right products and regimen to work with my new hair type post pregnancy was the most challenging part of my journey. I had to relearn everything. 5. What is your weekly regimen? I was once a week and cowash in between washes if my hair falls limp. I deep condition weekly. I listen to my hair as to when it needs protein treatments. I used to do it monthly but I realized my hair is protein sensitive. 6. What is your daily morning regimen? I take down from a pineapple then I just shake, fluff and go. 7. What is your daily night time regimen? I pineapple at night to preserve my curls. I add sweet almond oil to my hair and scalp every other night. 8. Do you use heat on your hair at all? I straighten my hair once a year. I try to stay away from heat because my hair is prone to heat damage.
9. Do you braid your hair? If so, how often do you do so in a year? I have never worn braids but I'm hoping to do so as a protective style in the future. I would love to try twists! 10. Wide-tooth comb or Denman brush? I finger-detangle then use a wide tooth comb to minimize breakage. 11. Is your hair normally loose or in a protective-do? Loose. 12. Have you ever had a hair tragedy? What was it? How did you recover from it? I was 16 and went to use a hot comb on my hair. Growing up that was how my mother straightened my hair. I left it on too long and a chunk of hair towards the back/middle of my head fell out. I was devastated!..lol. It eventually grew back and I didn't touch a hot styling tool until I was done with college..lol. 13. What's your biggest tip for maintaining healthy or long hair? I'm a huge believer in strength over length. You can have hair as long as Rapunzel but it doesn't mean anything if it's not healthy. Make sure you have a healthy base which starts with your scalp. I detox my scalp and hair once a month with Apple Cider Vinegar and Bentonite Clay. Both tutorials are available on my YouTube channel. I also eat very clean and healthy. Healthy hair starts from the inside. Whatever you are eating regularly will show in your hair and skin so I'm always mindful of what I eat. Make sure to drink plenty of water as well! 14. Where can we find you online? (blog, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube etc).
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1. What's your name and where are you from?
My name is Shannon. I am from Jamaica, but I reside in Georgia, USA. 2. What is your hair type? The front of my hair is 4a, and the back is 4b/4c. Overall my hair is type H (Healthy).
3. When did you go natural and what made you do it?
I don't quite remember when I decided to go natural because I was very young (maybe 10) but I decided to start my healthy hair journey in Summer 2011 because my hair was extremely heat damaged. 4. What was the most challenging thing about going natural? The most challenging thing about going natural and my healthy hair journey as a whole was learning to deal with my hair as it grew and the textures changed. 5. What is your weekly regimen? If my hair is out (in a "wash & go") I wash weekly and moisturize at least 3-4 times a week. If it's in a protective style I moisturize weekly or as needed. Usually cleanse every other week, but if my hair is dry or itchy I'll wash. 6. What is your daily morning regimen? Each morning I remove my satin bonnet, shake and fluff, then style my hair. 7. What is your daily night time regimen? Each night I assess my hair for dryness, itchy scalp, etc. and tend to it as needed and then put on a satin bonnet. 8. Do you use heat on your hair at all? Practically not at all. If I'm in a rush I might sit under a hooded dryer while deep conditioning. I did have a sew-in with leave out at the top in January 2015, but I haven't flat-ironed my entire head since March 2014.
9. Do you braid your hair? If so, how often do you do so in a year?
I do my signature twists (big or medium) anywhere from 2 to 4 times a year. The video to my process is below:
s10. Wide-tooth comb or Denman brush? Wide-tooth comb, but I'm considering trying out the Denman brush. 11. Is your hair normally loose or in a protective-do? I would say about 50/50. Mostly protective styles during the summer and loose mostly during the fall. 12. Have you ever had a hair tragedy? What was it? How did you recover from it? When I was younger my aunt cut almost 1/3 of my length (thinking I had extensions in my braids) and I suffered extreme heat damage during my early teens. For the length, I couldn't really do much, but for the heat damage I started to moisturize, deep condition and use protein treatments as well as protective styles more. I stopped using heat as much and eventually not at all. 13. What's your biggest tip for maintaining healthy or long hair? Moisturize and use protective styles. Do everything in moderation. 14. Where can we find you online? (blog, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube etc).
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1. What's your name and where are you from?
Hi, my name is Appolonia and I was born in Brooklyn, NY and raised in Trinidad and Tobago 2. What is your hair type? My hair type is a little crazy. It's 3C, 4A, 4B and 4Z in the middle lol.
3. When did you go natural and what made you do it?
I went natural for many reasons. In 2012 I had severe hair loss due to Lupus. I decided to transition to natural hair because I didn't think I would be comfortable doing a big chop. After transitioning for a few months I was so eager to see my natural curl pattern (And I had a little mishap while washing my hair lol) so I chopped off all the relaxed ends and rocked my natural hair. 4. What was the most challenging thing about going natural? After I did my big chop a part of me was unhappy because I felt like I was nothing without long hair. I had to deal with the negativity from society and my family which was really the most challenging part. I was always known as the dark skin girl with long relaxed hair but now I'm known as the beautiful black woman with beautiful kinks! 5. What is your weekly regimen? I keep my regimen very simple. I cowash and deep condition my hair every Sunday. If I feel like I have a lot of build up I wash my scalp with apple cider vinegar. Every other Sunday I add oil rinsing to my regimen and that's pretty much it. 6. What is your daily morning regimen? I do something called the shake and go method (I think I made this up lol). I literally get up, spray my hair with my moisturizing mist (water, aloe vera juice and coconut oil), shake my hair and leave the house. 7. What is your daily night time regimen? I pull my hair up into a pineapple and tie my hair down with my satin scarf. 8. Do you use heat on your hair at all? The only heat I allow my hair to get is from my deep conditioning process under my dryer. Other than that I don't use any heat in my hair.
9. Do you braid your hair? If so, how often do you do so in a year? I've been natural for a year and for this past year I've braided my hair 3 times. Once for a cute protective style and the other two times I just had big braids under my wigs. 10. Wide-tooth comb or Denman brush? My fingers lol. I own 1 wide tooth comb. I haven't invested in a Denman brush because my fingers get the job done. 11. Is your hair normally loose or in a protective-do? Normally loose but because winter is soon approaching ill be doing more protective styles. 12. Have you ever had a hair tragedy? What was it? How did you recover from it? While in the shower during my transitioning stage my hair got really matted. I just said to heck with it and I chopped my hair off. That's the day I became natural lol. So I turned a tragedy into a triumph. 13. What's your biggest tip for maintaining healthy or long hair? My biggest tip will have to be patience. Love your hair and the journey you're embarking on. It's going to have good days & bad so have a little patience and enjoy the ride. 14. Where can we find you online? (blog, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube etc).
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1. What's your name and where are you from?
My name is Nogah, I’m from Philadelphia but currently live in New York 2. What is your hair type? I have both 4a and 4b textures in my hair
3. When did you go natural and what made you do it?
I had my last perm on October 2013. I transitioned for about 3 months before I big chopped. After chopping I had about 2 inches of hair, it was very short but I didn’t care. I was so happy to be natural. I decided to go natural because I was tired of the weaves, perms and damaged hair. I tried to go natural a few years earlier but gave up when I didn’t see immediate results. This time around I was dedicated and promised myself I would stick with it. Almost two years later I am so glad I did. Natural hair is more than a trend, for me it was really about falling in love with myself and not allowing the media or anyone else to defy the standards of beauty. 4. What was the most challenging thing about going natural? I think the most challenging thing about going natural is the knowledge! Some of us have no clue how to take care of our hair. Products, styles, regimens, all of it can be very over whelming. There is a lot of trial and error to figure out what works for your hair, but with patience and consistency you can see progress. 5. What is your weekly regimen? My weekly regimen is either cowashing or shampooing but I always deep condition at least once a week or every other. Whether it’s a hot oil treatment of hair mask, deep conditioning is so important in your hair’s health and growth. 6. What is your daily morning regimen? Every morning I take down my nightly twists or loose puffs. If twists I apply oil or serum to my fingers to reduce frizzing. If I slept with puffs then lightly spray my tips to moisturize and reshape my fro. I apply water and eco stylergel to my edges, brush them neatly and wrap a silk scarf around for 10 minutes to lay them down. 7. What is your daily night time regimen? My nightly routine is always moisturizing. Type 4 hair tends to be the driest of all textures so keeping my hair, especially my ends, moisturized and sealed are important for me. After moisturizing I either put 8-10 chunky twists in or 2-3 loose puffs to preserve my curls. I then massage black Jamaican castor oil on my edges, crown and any weak spots. BJCO promotes hair growth and thickness. 8. Do you use heat on your hair at all? Never. The only ‘heat’ I apply is my heating cap while I deep condition once a week.
9. Do you braid your hair? If so, how often do you do so in a year? I love braids as a protective style. I install braids in my hair about twice a year. 10. Wide-tooth comb or Denman brush? Neither. I mostly finger detangle. Type 4 hair is the most fragile, so I try not to use too many combs, brushes or tools. I do take a small comb to my ends to smooth them out if necessary. 11. Is your hair normally loose or in a protective-do? I would say my hair is normally loose. I leave protective styles in for 5 weeks, afterwards I like to give my hair a break for a few months before installing another protective style. 12. Have you ever had a hair tragedy? What was it? How did you recover from it? When I first went natural I used to apply oil to my dry hair every day, like it was a moisturizer. I didn’t know it should’ve been layered with a cream or leave-in. My hair was sooooo dry, it broke off and shed like crazy.In the mornings as I took my twists down I would have so much hair in my hands and on the floor, I thought I was going bald! Later I found out about the LOC method and that transformed my hair from brittle hot mess to shiny moisturized curls 13. What's your biggest tip for maintaining healthy or long hair? My biggest tip for healthy hair is moisture, moisture…moisture! If your hair is dry it will break and split. We may think our hair isn’t growing when really it is but it’sbreaking from being dry. Keeping your hair moisturized and your ends seals protects your hair from knots and tangles. Find out which products and moisturizing method works best for your hair and stay with it. Be consistent and patient with your hair. 14. Where can we find you online? (blog, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube etc).
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1. What's your name and where are you from?
My name is Brittney Fairley and I'm from The Mississippi Gulf Coast. 2. What is your hair type? I am a 3b.
3. When did you go natural and what made you do it?
I went natural in December 2013. I wanted a change and it was the best decision I could have ever made. 4. What was the most challenging thing about going natural? The most challenging was finding products that worked for my hair type. 5. What is your weekly regimen? I try to co-wash my hair weekly but that sometimes doesn't happen! 6. What is your daily morning regimen? I'm a full time nurse so the majority of the time I'll just gather my hair in a bun and put on a cute headband and call it a day! 7. What is your daily night time regimen? I do the pineapple method on my hair at night. I oil it with purpose kollection essential oil and put a little cantu curling cream in my hair and then place my hair in a pineapple. 8. Do you use heat on your hair at all? Every now and then I’ll do a blow-out and curl wand, but I make sure to use a heat protectant spray.
9. Do you braid your hair? If so, how often do you do so in a year? I don’t really braid my hair but I’m notorious for a twist out! Lol 10. Wide-tooth comb or Denman brush? Wide-tooth comb 11. Is your hair normally loose or in a protective-do? My hair is usually up in a bun due to work. 12. Have you ever had a hair tragedy? What was it? How did you recover from it? So far I haven't had a hair tragedy since going natural. 13. What's your biggest tip for maintaining healthy or long hair? Keep it moisturized and do regular co-washes. 14. Where can we find you online? (blog, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube etc).
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December 2017