1. What's your name and where are you from?
My name is Candice, I'm from Georgia 2. What is your hair type? My hair is in the 3 category but it's sometimes hard to determine because it's different throughout, so I have to say some areas are 3b but for the most part, it's around 3c and coarser at the crown.
3. When did you go natural and what made you do it?
I began transitioning in 2012, and ultimately did a big chop in May of 2013 (due to heat damage). I decided to go natural initially because I wanted my curls back and I wanted my hair to be stronger and free from chemicals. 4. What was the most challenging thing about going natural? The most challenging thing, I would have to say has been dealing with single strand knots, I hate those things! 5. What is your weekly regimen? My weekly regimen depends on the style I'm wearing, but I keep it simple. If I'm wearing a wash 'n go, I'll usually co-wash and condition weekly. If I'm wearing a protective style, it's different because sometimes I go a little longer without washing. 6. What is your daily morning regimen? If I'm wearing a wash & go, I will spritz my hair with a water and oil mix (usually coconut oil), to refresh the style. If it's a braidout/twistout, I'll just unravel the style and go. 7. What is your daily night time regimen? This again, depends on the style. If I'm wearing a wash & go I'll spritz my hair with water and oil and "pineapple" it up and apply my satin scarf. If it's a braidout/twistout I will usually spritz with water and oil and re-braid/re-twist for the next morning. 8. Do you use heat on your hair at all? Since my big chop in May of 2013 I have used heat twice..once in October 2013, and second in April 2014. I like to go at least 6 months without heat.
9. Do you braid your hair? If so, how often do you do so in a year?
Yes I do. Since my big chop in May 2013 I've done box braids during the "twa" stage and I also did yarn braids a month before my one year anniversary of my big chop. And I recently did box braids again this past summer, 2014. Yarn braids are my favorite though, because the yarn is light and moisture retention is easy with them. 10. Wide-tooth comb or Denman brush? I currently use a wide toothed comb, but I've heard many positive things about the Denman brush so I plan to try one soon. 11. Is your hair normally loose or in a protective-do? It depends. I usually like to do protective styles when the seasons change, like cooler months. So most of the time my hair is loose. 12. Have you ever had a hair tragedy? What was it? How did you recover from it? Yes. The tragedy that ultimately led me to big chop in May 2013. I had been transitioning well and I ended up using a straightening tool I wasn't familiar with. There were no heat settings and my hair was burned. I fixed this by doing my big chop, that was the best thing I could have ever done for my hair. 13. What's your biggest tip for maintaining healthy or long hair? Make water your main beverage. 14. Where can we find you online? (blog, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube etc).
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