1. What's your name and where are you from?
My name is Kim Isaacs, I live in Los Angeles, California, but I'm originally from Durham, North Carolina. 2. What is your hair type? My hair is half and half 3C and 4A. It's low porosity with fine to medium strands and thick density!
3. When did you go natural and what made you do it?
I went natural in August of 2010. I wasn't really trying to go natural, I just became curious about my own curls. I never knew I had any! I was getting my hair pressed and my stylist had just washed my hair. I looked in the mirror and was shocked to see waves! It was then on that I wanted to learn more about my hair which put me on the journey to becoming natural. In August of 2010 I made the decision to embrace my curls. :) 4. What was the most challenging thing about going natural? Getting used to the image in the mirror after decades of associating myself with straight, flat hair. 5. What is your weekly regimen? I do my hair twice a week, once with a sulfate free shampoo, the other with conditioner only. I do a moisturizing deep conditioning treatment once a week and I do a protein treatment every few months or so or as my hair need it. 6. What is your daily morning regimen? Pretty simple, I fluff my hair, and spritz with an oil spray. That's it! If I'm wearing a bun or a puff, I just take off my scarf and go! 7. What is your daily night time regimen? I spritz my hair with water first, then I apply a water based moisturizer and seal with an oil or butter. If I'm wearing a wash n go, which is most of the time, I pull my hair into a low ponytail and cover my hair with a loc soc. I also sleep on a satin pillow case. If I'm going to wear a bun or puff the next day, I style them the night before, and cover my edges and hair with a satin scarf. 8. Do you use heat on your hair at all? I might sit under the dryer for a deep treatment or to dry my hair, but that's about it. I almost never use direct heat on my hair. I had my first blow out in almost 4 years a few weeks ago. I have no plans to do it again any time soon. I haven't flat ironed my hair since going natural. I am scared of heat damage. Plus, for decades I wore my hair straight, I know what that looks like. :) I just don't have the itch yet. I'm sure I will at some point, although I have no interest in going back to wearing straight hair most of the time.
9. Do you braid your hair? If so, how often do you do so in a year? No braids, unless you count braid outs. I do braid outs usually for a special event or any time I want really huge hair. 10. Wide-tooth comb or Denman brush? I definitely prefer a wide-tooth comb for detangling. 11. Is your hair normally loose or in a protective-do? I wear my hair loose most of the time. 12. Have you ever had a hair tragedy? What was it? How did you recover from it? Fortunately I have not had a major hair tragedy. I found out a few years ago that my hair is split end prone, but that's about it. I was pretty annoyed at the time, though. All of this consistent super care of my hair only to have split ends? Boo! :) I had to alter the frequency of my trims to keep them at a minimum. Plus, I do search and destroy trims a lot, and I frequently inspect my ends. 13. What's your biggest tip for maintaining healthy or long hair? My biggest tip would be make sure you moisturize and seal your hair often, every day if necessary. Dry hair will absolutely break, and most curly hair is dry. Also, make sure you get to know your hair, especially your ends. Check your ends often to make sure you are minimizing split ends and knots. 14. Where can we find you online? (blog, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube etc).
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22/8/2014 03:41:45 am
It's never enough to remind us to moisturize and seal our hair - I always need reminding. And I rarely read about naturals who were only using heat to straighten before returning to natural. Great feature article!
22/8/2014 04:11:33 am
Erica Lockhart
22/8/2014 05:08:37 am
So proud of you and your natural hair journey. I remember the start of your journey and I must say that you are truly inspirational. I love the fact that you document your story and more importantly, your willingness to share your misses and hits with everyone. Happy for you and proud to call you my friend. Stay natural and stay beautiful. Muah!
22/8/2014 06:07:56 am
I love her and she is known as CurlyKimmyStar on facebook just in case you want to follow and keep up with her. She also has a youtube channel and does reviews as well.
22/8/2014 09:07:40 am
Always fun, bubbly and positive. Love following your natural hair journey.
23/8/2014 02:08:52 am
Great information. Love her videos! Comments are closed.
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