1. What's your name and where are you from?
My name is Zoysia Gray (Zo-sha) and I am from North Carolina, USA. 2. What is your hair type? Well I have two hair types. In the front of my head, my hair is a looser curl pattern (3c) and in the back it's a tighter curl pattern (4a).
3. When did you go natural and what made you do it?
I went "fully" natural in February 2013. It started off as me transitioning, and I hated the two textures (relaxed, and natural) together, so I decided to do the big chop on February 20, 2013. 4. What was the most challenging thing about going natural? For me it was learning to love and embrace the natural me! I also struggled when it came to finding out what products worked best for my hair. 5. What is your weekly regimen? Co-washing every other day, and deep conditioning once a week. 6. What is your daily morning regimen? It all depends on what style I did. If I did some sort of twist out or braid out, then I take that down. But usually my hair just ends up in a puff lol. 7. What is your daily night time regimen? Slapping a bonnet on ( lazy natural over here lol) 8. Do you use heat on your hair at all? The only heat I use is a blow dryer with a diffuser attachment.
9. Do you braid your hair? If so, how often do you do so in a year? I don't really braid my hair, but if I do, it's maybe once or twice out the year. 10. Wide-tooth comb or Denman brush? I like both, but my favorite it my Denman brush. 11. Is your hair normally loose or in a protective-do? Loose, my favorite style is my wash n go. 12. Have you ever had a hair tragedy? What was it? How did you recover from it? Welllll......the time I colored my hair at least 4 times in one week!!! I know I know, let me explain! So I had my hair orange for the longest time, and I wanted to get my hair back to black. Well me not being a hairstylist, I really didn't know how to go about it the right way. So I used a semi permanent black hair dye, which turned my hair to this brassy red color. It was cute, but not the color I was going for. So then I used another color (which I can't remember what color it was ) that turned my hair like this doo-doo green color. It was HORRIFIC!! Lol In the end, I connected with a friend of mine, who is a hairstylist, and she informed me on what to use to get my hair back black. I purchased a Demi permanent black color, and wha-laa, my hair was back black. Well now my ends were damaged from all the color I had put in it, so I ended up cutting all my hair off, which led me to my 2nd big chop on November 15, 2014. 13. What's your biggest tip for maintaining healthy or long hair? My tip for maintaining healthy hair would be to learn your hair. If people would just focus on the needs of their hair, they would be surprised at how healthy it would be and how much growth you would retain. I've realized that my hair has grown and is at the healthiest it's ever been, just by me focusing on the needs. My hair loves being cowashed every other day, and deep conditioned once a week. Make sure to stick to a regimen as well. Your hair gets confused the more you keep switching up products or routines. And most importantly learn to love your hair!! Don't focus on what someone else's hair looks like, wishing it was yours! Curly, wavy, kinky, or Afro, it doesn't matter, ITS YOURS and you must focus on that! 14. Where can we find you online? (blog, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube etc).
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